"kuts!" jaxx slightly screamed as he came running over to you.

"hey j!" you replied as you brought him into a hug.

"leanna told us about you leaving and we are so happy y/n! this is definitely a huge step for you." etta jumped into the conversation.

"i definitely agree. we are all just glad that you are doing good." piers added.

"thank you guys so much. i really mean it, and i am sincerely grateful for all of you. you have changed me for the better, and i couldnt ask for better friends and honestly...family. your support is just- ah this is so corny oh my galaxy just come over here already!" you laughed as they all came even closer to you. you brought them into a huge group hug and smiled while saying, "i love you all and thank you again."

"no need to thank us. you are our family as well, and we love you too." etta smiled as she and piers stepped back. jaxx on the other hand stayed by your side and eventually climbed onto the bed next to you, snuggling into your side.

the 4 of you talked for a good amount of time until leanna walked in with some clothes and papers in hand.

"hey guys! im glad you all got my message." leanna said to jaxx, etta, and piers. " y/n, here are the papers that i talked about and some fresh clothes for you. the papers just include some things you shoul- honestly, just reading it will be easier than trying to understand me explaining it." she laughed as she walked over and handed you the items.

"thank you so much leanna. i seriously appreciate it." you smiled as you received the items from her.

"i know you do, dont worry. now, no time to waste- chop chop!" she clapped her hands together as jaxx hopped up from the bed.

you stood up and started walking over to the bathroom that was connected to your room. it was somewhat similar to the one in your quarters, but a bit smaller. as you were walking, you saw etta and piers talking with leanna and jaxx standing next to them. you quickly changed and washed your face with some water.

as you looked into the mirror, you noticed something- your eyes. they looked different, but you couldnt wrap your head around what it was. you gave yourself a small smile and rushed out.

"thank you for helping my sister leanna. i know you have probably heard it a bunch of times, but i mean it." you heard jaxx say to leanna as she squatted down so she could accept the hug that he was going to give her.

"you are welcome jaxx. your sister is a great person and she cares for you greatly, remember that." she replied as she rubbed his back.

jaxx sensed your presence and quickly looked up as you. he walked over to your side and looked up at you.

"ready?" piers said as he stepped a bit closer to you.

"ready." you smiled at him.

jaxx, etta, and piers all began to walk out of the room before you said "ill catch up with you all, dont worry!"

you then turned your attention over to leanna and immediately engulfed her into a heartfelt hug. "i'll see you around, okay?"

"yes, of course you will." she said as she grabbed your arms and looked you in the eye. "you're going to be fine, y/n."

you simply smiled at her and started heading out of the door. you truly did feel 100% healed- mentally and physically.

you catch a glimpse of piers turning a corner, and ran over to the group. "i havent walked these halls in what seems like forever."

"i wish i could say the same." etta joked as she continued walking.

"so y/n, how does it feel? you know...to be out of the infirmary?" piers asked you.

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now