xviii (xxxvii)

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kylo took a step foward as luke turned to face him. kylo studied his uncles face- noticing that it looked more...tired.

"that isnt my name." kylo seethed.

"yes it is. you can not hide from your true self. this identity of yours isnt going to last long."

"you dont know what you are talking about. this is my true self. if anything, ben solo was my false identity. i have had my eyes opened and my vision cleared." kylo lied, and he knew that deep down.

"but the thing is, i do. i do know what i am talking about. ben, she is going to be the one to help you realize that. she is what you need, and you cant deny it any longer. you heart aches for her- and only her, and i can sense that feeling of...of lo-"

just as kylo heard that last sentence, he knew exactly who luke was referring to. but the thing was, how did he know about you?

"how do you know about y/n?" kylo shouted.

"ah, im glad that you aren't challenging the truth for once."

"answer my question!"

"that is not important. but, what is important is-"

"tell me now!" kylo screamed, angry at the fact that he wasnt getting an answer that he needed to know immediately.

then, he had a flashback of that tie fighter- of that familiar presence.

"she came here." kylo said. "she came here to seek help. how? how did she know you were here?"

"the force guided her. just like how it is slowly but surely guiding you away from the darkness."

kylo was almost mad at the fact that you had luke help you, and not him. kylo could have helped you way better than luke could ever- right?

"i could have helped her. i would have done a better job than you." kylo spat.

"you are wrong once again. ben, you are the one who triggered it. you couldn't possibly have been the one to help her, even if she wanted you to." luke didnt mean it in a rude way, and kylo knew that.


"no." luke said before his nephew could even finish. kylo clenched his fists a little at this.

there was a bit of a silence between the 2.

kylo was staring at the older man, trying to get into his mind. he was trying to see exactly what happened when luke helped you.

"dont even try. you know you cant do it." luke said.

this angered kylo a great deal. he suddenly ignited his blazing red lightsaber and pointed it at the man with aggression. "if i was really trying, the information would have been in my grasp within seconds."

"um, okay?" luke quickly ignited his own green saber and stood with a straight back.

kylo didnt waste anytime, and he charged at the man with full speed. he went for the hit, but luke instantaneously dodged it right away.

luke didnt want to fight his nephew in a duel. he wanted them to talk, but he knew that wouldnt work at all. so, he decided to just..combine the 2. "ben, do not be afraid of who you really are." he said before dodging yet another hit. he wasnt trying to strike kylo, but he also didnt want to get hit.

"stop calling me that! also, i am not afraid- there is no need to be. ben solo is not who i 'really am'. i am stronger, wiser, and better than ben solo could ever be."

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now