ii (ii)

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"let go of me you big fat dummies!" you screamed at the 3 troopers who were still holding on you. you moved your legs to try to kick the stormtroopers, but that didnt work in your favor- it only made them grip onto you tighter.

"shut up and stop moving girl" the one behind you said, hitting you in the head with his blaster. before you could come up with an insult/comeback, a ship came into your view.

you didnt know how long or far you had been walking, but where this ship was located was very far from your hut of a home- it was quite obvious. you were too busy trying to escape from the troopers grip that you were not paying attention to where you even were walking to. you mentally scolded yourself for that. you have seen a good amount of ships in your life, but nothing like this. this... this ship was something else. you hadnt realized your jaw was hanging until one of the troopers tried to shut it close.

"wal-" before the trooper to your right could finish, you bombarded it with questions. the sight of the ship sent you into a panic- almost a panic attack.

"w-where are you taking me? and why did you want by brother?" you asked the troop.

"so you do know who he is." they replied back. you knew that it was no use to lie because you kind of just exposed yourself.

"well no shit. if i didnt know him, i wouldnt have been avoiding the question when your little squad keep asking me." hearing a faint voice call your name, you whipped your head over to the direction of the voice.

"jaxx! jaxx are you okay? what did these sons of bit-" you said, almost screamed to jaxx before you got cut off by that robotic voice again.

"lock them up...and separate them" you heard the voice say. those last 3 words of his sentence in raged you. just as they were about to pull jaxx even farther into the ship, you kneed the 3 stormtroopers that still had their grip on you in the stomach.

they instantly let go of you, holding onto their stomachs in pain. hearing the commotion, the dark figures turned around, seeing you point a blaster right near his lung. he wasnt fazed by this of course, he kind of found this entertaining that you had barely a clue who he was or really of anything that was occuring. you sure as hell didnt know he was a force-user, but you would find out soon.

"tell your cult members to let go off my brother over there" you said to the thing standing in front of you. he almost wanted to laugh, but he knew that would be a bit weird and very unlike him. instead, he decided to show you... a little piece of him.

using the force, he slammed you against a wall near him, force choking you. every single person with a gun was now pointing it at you. you were extremely confused as why they hadnt shot at you, and honestly you didnt care. right before you slammed into the wall, jaxx was taken away. though before you didnt want him to, you knew right now you wouldn't want him to see any of thing because this was definitely freak him out. struggling to get air into your lungs, the dark figure came inches in front of your face, the mask almost touching it.

"i dont take orders from people i barely know" it said, causing small shivers to fall down your spine. for some odd reason, this sentence almost...turned you on. you mentally slapped yourself in the head multiple times because of it.

you were suddenly dropped onto the floor, air rushing back into your lungs. you took multiple deep breathes until you were able to stand up. when you stood up, the figure was staring at you, seeing this you burst into laughter. you were fascinated on how the thing did that to you. it hadnt lay a finger on you, yet you were sent up the wall and choked. maybe you were hallucinating? maybe this is all a dream? thinking about the latter, you decided to shut your eyes, only to open them again to see yourself standing in the same spot. laughing even harder now, you finally got words to come out of your mouth.

broken as i • a kylo ren storyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя