vii (vii)

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after seeing your brother in the hall, all you could think about was him...and kylo ren?

of course you were thinking about your brother. how hurt, how betrayed he looked. but kylo? why kylo? well, you were thinking about him, but not in the way you may believe. you were thinking about him because you were imagining how you were going to mess up his perfect little face. of course at the time, you didnt realize just how physically strong he was, but you would soon find out. how dare he leak that private stuff? who did he think he was? some type of like, god? hell no. whatever he thought, you were about to straighten him out- with your fist.

you were pretty good at combat. living with nobody other than your brother on tatooine, you had to know how to protect you and him- so you self-instructed yourself. you trained for at least a couple hours a day because, well... you didnt do much. all you did back on that sandy, dry planet was care for your brother and do any jobs you could find. there werent many, so most of the time you were stuck doing nothing. it bothered you. it bothered you how you lived like that. but, clearly you werent on tatooine anymore, so you promised yourself that you would change; change your old habits.

you were staring at the ground, in deep thought about how you were going to mess him up, until one of the troopers spoke up-

"we are here."

you were honestly a little mad that they brought you out of your little daydream, you were just keeping to the good part. you brought your vision up the the troopers and said to him, "do you guys have like, names or something? are you guys even real people? im not trying to sound dumb, i just honestly want to know."

you heard one of them scoff in their mask, making you roll your eyes. you were honestly curious. you werent well informed about the order, and you genuinely wanted to learn more. how else would you learn then asking them questions?

"no. we do not. we just have a code names. and yes, we are in fact real humans. just like you. now, hurry up and go inside, we arent waiting all day for you to just get fitted." the trooper to your right spoke. you were happy that they answered your questions. listening to what they said, you stepped into the room that you all stopped in front of a few seconds ago. you looked around for a brief second. it was a fairly large room with black walls and floors, (like your room). it was filled with what looked like first order clothes of all different sizes.

"hello. you must be y/n. i am going to be the one fitting you today. follow me." a robotic voice said to you. you didnt know where the noise was coming from, but when you looked down, you saw a black robot. droid? you didnt know the difference. you obeyed its commands and followed it into a small room.

it took all kinds of measurements. it told you to stick out your arms, your legs, even your fingers. this took what felt like ages until it finally spoke again, "you are all set. you should receive the clothing in a couple of hours. you may now return back to pr-4179 and wt-4552."

you were confused on what the droid meant. then it hit you, those were the 2 stormtroopers code names. you gave the droid a quick nod and turned back to the door. the troopers were still waiting for you outside, you could tell they were bored out of their minds.

"pr-4179 and wt-4552. greetings." was all you said to them. you wanted to try saying their code names. if you were being honest, it felt really werid. imagine not having a real names and having to go by a code? just the thought of that made you cringe. having a name is what makes us- well...human. "wait, i take that back. are you both guys? or girls?"

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now