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Top 3 Heartbreaker Venus Signs

Venus in Libra - effortlessly charming and able to create a personalized ideal romance for each of their suitors. inclined to lead you on even if they have no serious intentions because cutting you off may mean conflict and shortened supply of attention.

Venus in Aries - reckless with your heart and with their own too. sometimes they're just in for the drama of it all.

Venus in Aquarius - mixed signals to hell and back. they lure you in, then pull back into the void where aquarius people just disappear sometimes. you're over it and then they show up again just before the wound has healed.

Top 3 Signs that take rejection the hardest

Leo - rejection feels like a personal comment on their worth. are they not perfect? are they not lovable? what is your problem? cuz it most certainly can't be them.

Aquarius - ego is more inflated than leo's tbh. they will pretend they weren't hurt by the rejection, at least leos have the decency to seem agitated. aquarius will try to hurt you by being cold while striking your weakest spot in revenge for the rejection.

Capricorn - it's hard for a capricorn to take a "no", they keep trying when everyone else has given up long ago. that's why it appears that they take rejection well - they seem calm and composed, then try again to get what they want in a different way. once the "no" really kicks in tho, they become insufferable. will probably remember it for a long time and try to find a way to get back at you for wasting their investment of time. as if you owe them anything lol.

Top 3 Mars Signs that make the first step

Mars in Aries - most people with aries mars that i know complain that they have trouble waiting to receive things. everything feels as if it has to happen now or never. delay often results in aggravation, tension and even physical illnesses.

Mars in Sagittarius - their driving force is curiosity. there's so much to explore, they can't sit still and wait too long for something to reveal itself on its own, it's not that interesting if they're not the one discovering it.

Mars in Scorpio - they love the process of finding out a new desire they have, making a plan how to get it and following through, perfecting every step of the process and relishing in it.

Top 3 Signs that are most likely to win a debate

Sagittarius - even if they don't know everything, they sure sound as if they do. one of their biggest skills is talking with absolute authority and confidence. it really gets inside people's heads.

Virgo - they don't care about the different sides of the story. they are irrelevant. all that matters is being objective and they're about to hit you with a dry and ruthless analysis you can't easily find a weak spot in. do as you please with it.

Gemini - they'll come after you with a passion. it's not like they know much on every topic, they just have a passion for words and know how to play them like an instrument until you get lost and have no escape but to submit to the truth they've picked today.

top 3 Moon Signs that are most likely to be in a relationship all the time

Pisces Moon - they need someone to lean on like a rock and let their kindness drip down it like a river. pisces moons are often seeking genuine, warm connection, someone who feels like an embrace protecting them from the harshness of the world that they feel too strongly.

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