Top 7 Scariest Signs When Angry

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Top 7 Scariest Signs When Angry

7. Capricorn
-When they are mad they will talk back to anyone in a condescending way and they will say anything and everything to insult that person. Their words really do hurt. Also, they will release their anger on the first person they see.

6. Sagittarius
- A Sagittarian will turn into a monster when angry and they might even resort to physical assaults (rare case scenario). Their favorite means of lashing out in anger are with words. They will verbally lash out at others. When they are angry, they are furious with their words.

5. Scorpio
- They are really dangerous to be around when they're angry. They hold grudges, and they do not easily let go of whatever upset them. The thing with Scorpios is that you won't even be aware they are angry with you because they will be totally passive aggressive.

4. Leo
- They mostly display anger to establish authority. Leos will do anything and everything to prove that they are right and will rarely admit that they are wrong. They are not afraid to resort to insults when they are angry at someone.

Top Three

3. Aries
- When Aries gets angry, it can be difficult for them to see the bigger picture. They explode without considering the ramifications of their words and actions. Words spoken in the heat of anger have ended relationships, and decisions made in the heat of passion have sent nations to war. Those of you who have been on the receiving end of the Aries temper know that if not calmed down they can even get violent. If you see an Aries angry, it would be good to stay uninvolved!

2. Cancer
- When angry Cancers are almost like an explosive volcano, things that have been building up for years come out and what comes out of their mouth will surprise the holy crap out of you. It does take a lot to get Cancers to that level, but when it happens, it takes them a long time for us to cool off. When provoked their claws will come out and they'll be sure to put you in your place in the way that only a Cancer. A pissed off Cancer holds no bar. As loving and caring as they can be, they give zero fucks when someone has gotten them boiling mad.

1. Taurus
- When they are angry, they can get violent and obsessive - Taurus rarely listen to others and can be stubborn as hell and extremely annoying. However, their anger is mostly justified in a way that they only get upset over the right things. When they are angry, there is little you can say to calm them down. They just need time to cool down. When they are frustrated they can get very loud. They have little patience for anyone who annoys them when they are mad.


lol my anger issues is waving does yours too? -Aidene♋️

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