As Girlfriends

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The Signs As Girlfriends

Aries: Always keeps it real, not the usual "lovey dovey" type or not a fan of PDA. DON'T TOUCH HER UNLESS SHE TOUCHES YOU FIRST

Taurus: Honest, will laugh at your jokes, tries her best in the relationship, COMPLIMENT HER

Gemini: A bit awkward at times but that's just adds to her cuteness factor, very charming. GIVE HER PET NAMES OR SWEET ENDEARMENTS

Cancer: A bit clingy but tries to always make you happy, can be cheesy but still love her. HUG OR CUDDLE WITH HER ANY CHANCE YOU GET

Leo: Wild, Always wants to have the time of their lives, Supportive and would always wants what's the best for you. GRAB HER BY THE WAIST AND KISS HER

Virgo: Can be shy at times, would share her best interests, lowkey in the relationship. HOLD HER HAND


Scorpio: Would always be herself, Finds things that makes you both happy, has a high sex drive. KISS HER RANDOMLY

Sagittarius: Cute, Tries to uses humor to skip the awkwardness, likes doing PDA and other couple things. SUPRISE HUG HER FROM BEHIND

Capricorn: Serious in the relationship  Highkey, Faithful and Loyal. GRAB HER THIGH AND SHE WILL MELT

Aquarius: Wants to be treated right and what she deserves, Loves little surprises, Actually likes to make out. PLAY WITH HER HAIR AND SHE'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER.

Pisces: Very chill in the relationship, wants you to remember the little things. MAKE HER BLUSH AND SHE'LL BE HAPPY


Feel free to add more of your personality in the comments!

For me as a Cancerian, I want/need him to be faithful, spontaneous and would never be afraid to tell everyone I'm his girl. I don't need a man that will be ashamed of me. Do me a favor and just gtfo of my life, thank you.

What would you like in a guy inside a relationship?


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