chapter 4 the evac

Start from the beginning

Mei - I met him during the 1st stage of the program test and fell in love the more I got to know him.

Jirou - cool

*Explosion is heard*

Mina - what was that

Jirou - it sound like it came from the police station!

Mina - zuzu

Jirou - oh my

Mina - please be okay

Jirou - and return to us safely izu

*End flashback*

Deku - oh girls. I love you girls more than anything and just know it will take a lot more than a bomb to take me out they would need to collapse a building on me to stop me.

Jirou and mina - please be careful babe we love you and don't want to lose you!

Deku - I promise girls.

Angel - wow "these girls really do love my bro."  Hey bro.

Deku - what up

Angel - I approve of them both and their for sure are keepers.

Deku *blushing* w....w...what

Angel - I'm just saying they have my permission to marry you, if you do plan on getting married to one another.*shrug*

Deku - ......

Aaron - stop teasing the poor lad angel

Angel - fine dude, but you got to admit their cute together.

Aaron - true

Mei - so darling, how did I do?

Fox - you did great love

*Mei and fox start making out*

Cop - *coughs*

Deku - yes officer need anything ?

Cop - nope just wanted to alert you guys, we found where the evac site might be located and where theirs a group of hostages are at the moment that's near the evac site.

Angel - great work and go get some rest

Cop - my name's alex sir and no can do I can't rest

Angel - please go rest, we can tell your tired

Alex - b...b..ut

Angel - you don't have to worry well keep watch, before our next mission. Okay

Alex - okay

Aaron - good because your incharge of this place and it's people when, we have to go save others and try to save what remains of this place for 2 weeks before, we are swapped out with the second team, while us first wave get some rest before we rotate again.

Alex - okay guys night

Angel, deku,fox,aaron,mei - night

*Mina and jirou cuddling with deku*

Jirou - izu what will happen if, we don't make it to the evac plane?

Deku - hey look at me babe, remember when we first held a conversation outside of school.

Jirou - oh yes I was stressed out and was listening to music in the forest infront of school.

Deku - yup and I was hiking and I bumped into you causing you to almost drop your phone.

Jirou - yup, but you caught with quick reflex
And then you asked me the funniest question of .

Deku - ya like jazz {~reference to a story I read~}

Jirou - pfttt

Deku - yup and then we started talking about music interest and hobbies and became friends from their.

Jirou - yup and then I introduced you to mina and got you out of your she'll and made another friend that day.

Deku - yup

Aaron - okay guys it's getting late fox and angel are on patrol for the first 2 hours before we switch with deku and mei taking the second watch, while me and fox take the final watch.

Deku - okay night guys

All - night

{To be countined}

{Well this is it for the 4th chapter and if you have any ideas for what should happened in the story pm me or comment it to me. please comment them down below and if you want vote or leave a comment down and if you have any ideas for me I will listen and they would be greatly appreciated 😊 ~ shipfan sailing out~}

Up For Adoption izuku (deku) Secret Life X Division X TitanfallWhere stories live. Discover now