She had a dream.

"Are you listening?" Ginny tied her shoe with the ease of her wand, looking every minute to see Dev still upright in bed wondering why the hell she imagined him.

"Devyn!" The redhead girl chucked a pillow straight to the middle of the girl's face.

"What.?" Dev looked up, Ginny looked absolutely frustrated. Bewildered that she hadn't been paying to any of the conversation.

"Do I have to repeat it?" Ginny groaned.

"If you want me to know, then yeah." The other girl spoke, lifting her body off the bed and pacing to the large dark dresser.

Ginny hit her head with the hand of her palm.

"Don't laugh." She spoke with a small tone of hesitation. Hand held up as a command.

"I won't." Dev said, applying mint toothpaste to head of her toothbrush.

Gin took a deep breath and exhaled loudly, "Harry doesn't kiss my neck, and I have no clue how to tell him I want it.." She played with the hem of her skirt.

Devyn froze, stopped the movement of bristles towards her teeth. Her vivid dream of when she was kissed along her neck flew back into memory. All too familiar.

"Shit Dev did I scare you?" Ginny laughed out. Viewed Dev, as she stood frozen.

"No no..Uh Harry- right- Oh uh you can -maybe?-

"Nice advice Frost-

"Did you like try and lead his mouth down there, like a shove I-

"Never mind never mind never mind. " Ginny chuckled loudly. Clearly, Devyn had no clue what to say.

Dev spit out the toothpaste within her mouth to the base of the sink, she smiled back up to Gin who was still in laughter.

"Ready to go?" Gin breathed out. Her hand pressing the hair to one side of her shoulder.

Devyn nodded her head, tucking the misleading strand of hair behind, spritzing warm sugar perfume within the exposed spots of wrists.

Both girls exited their dorms. Finding small conversations on the way down to the main hall. The one girl she knew to never bring up any flaw was Ginny. A supportive person.

Devyn nearly tripped, toppled down to Ginny if she hadn't pointed out her untied shoe.

"Can you hold this." Devyn said to her. Holding her wand out.

Dev began to tie the strings shorty together, forming the traditional shoe lace bow.

"You can use magic for th-

"I know..but hermione taught me. Muggle way I think.."

A small something she kept, the lesson of something a simple to tie a shoe. But it mattered.

"-Nevermind that, just-" Dev's words slipped out, halting to stop once she saw the wide view.

Groups of shirtless beautiful boys breezed past the hallways. On any day the displeasing view os sweaty hair would we unattractive, but something specific about today. She couldn't place her finger to it.

"I'm gonna go find Harry.." Ginny spoke. Every intention in mind. She began to run off, swarm way into the crowd of boys. Yelling *move* to everyone of them until she found her boy.

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