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     Akaashi and I began our way to my house. Hand in hand we continued walking over the bridge in comfortable silence. Every so often Akaashi would squeeze my hand slightly, just to get me out of my own head. Pretty soon we arrived at my front door step. Before I allowed him into my home, I peeked in the garage to make sure neither of my parents cars were there. Luckily, they were both out, and most likely wouldn't be home for a while. I went to grab the key from the flower pot by my door but stopped myself.

      "Turn around," I demanded. 

     "Uhhhh... Why?" Akaashi asked, confused.

     "I need to get my key and I dont need you breaking into my house. It's in a top secret location," I said in an as a matter of fact way. He chuckled slightly and raised his hands in surrender. He slowly turned his back towards me and I fished the key from the flower pot. 

     "You can turn around now," I grumbled. He turned around, a stupid grin plastered on his face. I unlocked the door and ushered him inside my small home. I turned around and shut the door with a sigh.  

     I am so tired

     "Hmmmm lemme guess... flower pot?" Akaashi said with a grin. I inhale sharply.

     "You don't know anything," I sneered. Akaashi let out a low chuckle and opened the door and pulled the key out of the flowerpot.

     "I- Um- Just like, don't break into my house please!"  I stuttered, irritated that my hiding place was discovered so easily.  Akaashi walked back out of the house a returned the key to its top secret hiding place. As he pranced back inside, I met him with a scowl.

      "Whats with the face?" He asked coolly. My frown deepened.

      "I'm mad that you found my hiding spot." I sighed. He looked at me and grinned.

     "Its really ok, I wont break in. Plus if I do come see you would it really be that bad?" He said with a smirk. I felt myself blush deeply and I looked away as to not show him I was embarrassed. I shook my head quickly, and I realized that I really wouldn't be mad if he stopped by. 

     "Uhh- A-Are you hungry? We don't have much because my parents are always gone, but I think we might have some ramen?" I said, clearing my throat. He shrugged and I looked at him, confused.

      "I don't really care. We can go to the cafe down the street, on me!" He said, a little happier than usual. I nodded a "yes" and we walked right back out the door. As I locked the door again, I didn't bother to make Akaashi turn around as I retrieved the key. I tucked it back under the flower pot and walked back to Akaashi's side. We began walking, and he brushed his knuckles against mine, asking permission. I looped my hand into his and sighed happily. It felt so strange, being happy, I wont lie.  

      We walked to the cafe in a comfortable quietness, neither one of us wanting to break the delicate silence. It wasn't awkward or weird. We were just in each other companies and that is all that mattered. As the cafe began coming into view I felt my heart rate pick up.

     Of course I'm getting nervous again. Only natural for y/n.

      Soon enough, we were standing right in front of the cafe. Akaashi slowly pulled me inside, and we sat down at a small table that sat two people. The woman that worked there came to our table with two menus and smiled before walking back to the counter. Akaashi scanned the menu.

      "Are you sure you want to pay?" I whispered. Akaashi grinned and nodded his head. I felt so guilty, making Akaashi pay for me, but I didn't have any money, so it had to be done I guess.

     Soon the waitress made her way back to our table. I decided on the strawberry dorayaki and Akaashi got the taiyaki with red bean filling. The waitress wrote our orders down and made her way back to the kitchen.

     "U-Um... Akaashi-san?" I asked timidly.

     "Yes, y/n?"

     "Um... Would you maybe...I don't know, maybe want to sleep over tonight? I really appreciate you coming to stay with me and I just don't want to be alone..." I whispered. A pink hue coated his cheeks, and I felt my cheeks heat up as well. "Um you can sleep in my bed and I can sleep in the floor!" I stammered, trying to make the situation less embarrassing.

      "Sure, why not. I'll tell my parents I'm staying over at Koutaro's. I'll just run home and grab some clothes. You can come along but you'll have to wait outside..." Akaashi thought aloud. 

     "I can wait its ok," I whispered. We continued chatting about Akaashi's family, and less about mine. Soon enough the waitress returned with our orders. As she placed the plate down in front of me my eyes widened. It had been a while since I got to eat something sweet, because usually the food department of my house was lacking. I gently picked up one of the dorayaki and took a bite. The sweet strawberry and fluffy flavor of the dorayaki coated my mouth. I sighed in bliss, and I continued munching on it.

     "Y/N-San have you never had dorayaki?" Akaashi asked. I shook my head quickly and continued eating the sweet desert. I looked at Akaashi, who was nibbling on his taiyaki. Akaashi gently reached his hand forward and wiped a little bit of strawberry filling off of my cheek. 

     "Yummy," He said with a grin, as he licked the filling off his finger. I looked away as I blushed violently. When I looked back, I was met with Akaashi, who had a stupid grin creeping over his face. 

     "Akaashi-san stop looking at me like that," I whined. He just grinned at me again as he took another bite of his taiyaki. I sheepishly looked down at my legs, realizing I never changed out of my school uniform. 

      Its fine Akaashi is still in his...

     As we took the last few bites of our deserts, the waitress came by with 2 glasses of water. I took a few sips, as did Akaashi. Once we finished our waters, I noticed Akaashi staring at me, once again with that stupid grin.

     I really don't see that smile very often. Usually in school he just kind of stares, not frowning, not smiling.

     I watched as Akaashi pulled a few bills out of his wallet and laid them on the table.

     "Are you ready to go Y/N?" He asked. I nodded, and we quickly made out way out the door, heading to Akaashi's house.


hhhh im sorry i havent updated in a while but i promise that its gonna be good when they get to y/n's house :DD once again theres not gonna be anything smutty ~yet~

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐞|| Akaashi Keijiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें