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     "Y/N- san, please. Let me in. Let me help you." Akaashi quietly  pleaded from outside the door. Lunch was almost over and I would soon have to back to class. I walked over to the mirror and stared at the weak coward looking back at me, disgusted. I slowly grabbed a paper towel and soaked my tears away. I put some cool water on it to soothe my red and puffy skin. I pushed my ugly arms back into my blazer sleeves and buttoned it back up. I straightened my ribbon and took a deep breath. I grabbed my things and stood by the door. 

     I do not want to talk to him right now. I need to go home.

     I grabbed the door handle and twisted it, hearing the little pop of the door unlocking. I pushed the door open cautiously and looked out. Akaashi was standing outside the door, seemingly in tears. His face lit up when he saw me but I pushed passed him and made my way to the front office. I burst through the door and the startled office worker looked up at me.

     "I'm really sick and I just threw up in the bathroom I need to go home." I blabbered. "And I'm on my period. Bad uh- cramps. I really need to go home," The office worked looked at me worriedly and quickly wrote me a pass to bring to school tomorrow saying I was excused. I nodded a thank you and ran out.

     I was about to run out the door when I heard a familiar voice.

     "Y/N-san wait! Please y/n..." I turned around to face a distraught Akaashi. We made eye contact for a split second, and I dashed out the front door. I ran over the bridge, every instinct just telling me to jump. I pushed the thought away and continued running. The footsteps behind me indicated Akaashi was following me. I stopped abruptly and turned around, glaring at him.

     "Akaashi-san go back to school. I'm excused your just cutting class," I stated coldly. 

     "I-I had to make sure you were ok... and y/n, your not," He said sadly, a hint of anger in his voice.

     "I am fine. I dont need you or Bokuto or anyone. I've been on my own for 16 years and I can go another year. I am fine." I growled. Without even realizing it, tears began streaming down my face. "Neither of my parents have ever been there for me, and I only have what, one friend? I have been on my own for my entire life. The only time my dad is home he's drunk and beats the shit out of me. When my moms home shes on drugs and is begging for money. I cant go to CPS because my dad threatened to kill be and my mom. What makes you think I need you?" I screamed, my voice cracking. My vision was blurry from the tears clouding my eyes. All of a sudden I realized that I had just confessed my whole life story to someone I got to know just today. My hand flew to my mouth and my eyes widened.

     "y/n-san," Akaashi muttered almost inaudibly. His royal blue eyes were glossed over, tears forming. I muffled a sob with my hand, and I didn't even notice Akaashi coming over and wrapping his arms around my fragile figure. I realized  he had pulled me onto the bench on the side of the bridge, and I quietly sobbed onto his shoulder.

     "I shouldn't have told you all of that, I'm sorry... You really need to get back to school." I muttered. I sat up slowly, my head throbbing from crying. 

     "No, no, I'm not going back. I can catch up easily its really fine, and I'm glad you told me y/n. Although, is it really safe for you to even go home?" He asked hesitantly. I could see the concern and fear in his eyes.

    "I think so. My dad was here last night so he probably wont come home tonight.  And I guess since I just told you my life story you should know this thing," I pointed at the bruise on my leg. "This wasn't from me falling down the stairs..." I said sadly, flinching as I recalled the memory.

     "I figured as much. I've never seen a bruise like that from falling down the stairs," He murmured. "Hey y/n?''

     "Yeah?" I asked. He turned to face me and gazed into my eyes.

     "Would you like me to come to your house with you since your parents aren't home?" A blush painted his face as he realized what he had said, and how it could have been taken. "u-uHh I mean like just so you can have a little company. I really don't want you to be alone right now..." He stammered, his face getting redder. I didn't have the energy from crying so hard so I forced a small smile.

     "I would love that Akaashi-san!" I said quietly. I felt my face warming and I could feel a blush forming on my cheeks. Akaashi stood up from the bench we sat on and gently pulled me up by my arm. We began walking across the bridge that I was so ready to fling myself off of just this morning. I frowned slightly, wishing things weren't the way they are. I suddenly felt Akaashi's fingers loop through mine, and I shied away from the sudden touch. He let go quickly and blushed uncontrollably.

     "I-I'm sorry I should have asked. I'm s-sure you arent comfortable with people touching you. M-My apologies," He frantically apologized. I let out a small giggle and sighed. I looped ,my hand through his.

     "This is fine. Im ok with this," I said. I leaned my hand against his arm and sighed.

     oH shit Akaashi is literally coming to my house. wTf.


yyYyYYuUuUuuHhHhhHHhhHH chapter 6!!! Im honestly really happy with how this story is going and I've been surprisingly good with not having writers block and I have ideas for next chapter so stay toooonnnneeed kdjfldsjasdjfh 


𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐞|| Akaashi KeijiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon