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Rushelle and Felicity just arrive at school.

"You should get a ride with Gareth this evening after school because I'm going to meet Luke in town"


Felicity steps out of the car then walks to her locker and opens it to get her biology text book. Then she walks to class. She sits in the second row of seats. A few more minutes, the rest of the students arrive then Mr Steven walks in.

"Good morning class"

The class replies in a monotonous tone.

"Well...I have seen some of the assignments that I received last Monday and so far, most of them were well done as for the others you need to work harder, some of you know yourselves, anyways, let's get to work". He starts the lesson. Then Gareth comes rushing in. He apologizes to Mr Steven for being late then he takes the seat beside Felicity.

Then Mr Steven continues with the lesson.

"Good morning" Gareth says mouthing the words carefully.

Felicity sends him a smile.


After what seemed like a long biology class, Gareth and Felicity are walking down the hallway to go to the chemistry lab. Gareth touches Felicity on her shoulder, stopping her in her tracks. Gareth looks at her; her eyebrows are raised and her eyes brightened, her hair resting on her shoulders, waiting for him to say what he wants to say.

"Are we okay? Because I felt like we ended on a bad note on Saturday night" he asks.

"Yes we are okay, anything else?" She says raising her eyebrows. Gareth admired the way her eyes brighten when she raises her eyebrows.

", nothing more" he says.

They continue walking. Then they arrive at the chemistry lab and take their seats at the front and take out their books. Felicity turns to Gareth.

"Gareth, I hate asking but...uh...I was wondering if I could get a ride home...I feel like I bother you every time I ask"

"I don't mind giving you a ride but what's wrong with Rushelle? Why can't she carry you?"

"She is gonna meet Luke in town later"

"Okay" he says.

Then Mrs McLean walks into the class.

"Good morning class, put away all your books and take out your pen and pencils, I will be giving you a pop quiz" she drops a stack of papers on her desk, "I hope you all read over what you learnt in the last class...Gareth help me hand out these papers please"

Gareth gets up from his seat and helps Mrs McLean to distribute the papers throughout the class. Then he takes a seat with his paper.

"You have an hour now you may begin" she says as she sits down in her seat.

After chemistry class is over, Gareth and Felicity walk to the picnic table outside.

"So how well did you think you did on the quiz?" Gareth asks.

"There were a few answers that I put that I wasn't sure about but I think I did okay, maybe I got a C or B"

"I wish I could say the same thing"

"So you don't think you did so well?"

"I'm sure" he sighs. The takes his wrapped lunch out of his bag.

"Sooo...what do you have for lunch today?" Felicity asks.


"Is it your favorite kind of sandwich?"

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