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It's lunch time, Felicity, Gareth, Rushelle and Kristen are seated outside at the benches talking after eating their lunch in the cafeteria.
Gareth looks down at his watch.
"Well, ladies, I have a meeting with a teacher to attend" he says as he stands up.
"Alright Mr. Jones" Rushelle says.
"Bye" he says before he walks away.
Then Rushelle's phone rings.
"I'll see you guys later, this call might take a while"
"Is it Luke?" Felicity asks.
"Yes..." she says, her eyes brightened and the phone against her chest.
"Stop looking at me, you don't need my permission to talk to your boyfriend" Felicity says.
Rushelle answers the phone, takes up her things and walks away.
"So how have you been Kristen?"
"Good" she says as she holds her head down and pulls down the sleeve of her long sleeve blouse.
"Have you been going to the sessions with the counselor?"
Felicity lays her hand on Kristen's, "You know you can be honest with me..."
Kristen holds up her head and looks at Felicity.
"Can I tell you something?"
"You don't have to"
"I think you need to hear this"
"Fine...tell me"
"Well...there was one point in my life, when I was really depressed, my parents were having issues with their marriage and they were separated for some time....and" she pauses, "I had all sort of things going through my mind all the time, like 'My parents didn't love me' and 'no would know if I died in my room' because I used to lock myself in my room and no one would come check on me and I reached a point that I couldn't take those thoughts anymore and I started hurting myself, I thought it would help me forget about all the emotional pain I was feeling then one Sunday, my mom forced me to church and the preacher talked about the love of God and how He can restore us, that He endured the cross so that I could have life more abundantly, how He got whipped and tortured just for me...because He loves me, it was like He was speaking directly to me, so from that day forward I decided I would not hurt myself anymore because He endured all that pain so that I could be free, it wasn't easy but I got through it with the help of God and a very close friend of mine, God can do the same for you, He can heal all your brokenness, your pain, you don't have to be bound by depression, just ask Him and He will help you, He loves you and He doesn't like to see you hurting like this and I don't either"
Kristen is in tears. Felicity hugs her, and she cries even harder.
"I know you're hurting, I don't why you are but God knows and He wants to make you whole, He loves you so much, He loves you unconditionally"
Kristen lets go of Felicity and wipes the tears with the back of her hand.
"There's no way He could love me...and allow all those things to happen to me"
"God's ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than ours, all those bad things were part of a greater purpose, He has a great purpose for your life and He protected you from even worse things happening to you because He loves you, you just have to trust that He knows what is best"
Kristen starts crying again. Felicity takes out a piece of tissue from out of her bag and hands it to Kristen. She blows her nose in the piece of the tissue.
"Thank you"
"You're welcome, I want to help you all the ways I can but you need to see your counselor and you could come to church with me"
"I would love to" she says finally putting a slight smile on her face.
"Do you think you could start this week? We have youth fellowship on Thursdays if you have it in you, you can come on Sunday"
Felicity looks at the time on her phone.
"It's 10 minutes to class" she says as she zips up her bag, "I will follow you to class" she stands up and puts her bag over her shoulder. Kristen stands up.
"Do my eyes look swollen?" Kristen asks.
"Yes they do, but not much just slightly"
"I have to go the bathroom"
So after Kristen went to the bathroom, Felicity followed her to class.

Felicity is in her room talking with Shane on Skype.
"So how was school today?" Shane asks.
"It was good, how about you?"
"Same here, nothing interesting happened"
There is a knock on the door.
"Come in!" Felicity exclaims.
Danny walks into the room.
"Mom said you should come down because dinner is ready"
"Tell her I'll be down in a minute"
"Oh hey Shane" Danny says.
"What's up Danny my brother?"
"A lot is going on"
"Yeah, he got nominated to be a co-captain of the team" Felicity interrupts.
"Wow! That's great!"
"Yeah, I don't like to brag about it"
"Yeah you don't" Felicity says sarcastically.
Shane laughs.
"We should go down for dinner" Felicity says to Danny then turns to Shane, "I'll talk to you after I eat that's if you're still here"
"I won't be moving from here for now, you shouldn't even hang up"
"Okay, after I eat"
"Alright" Shane replies.
Felicity and Danny go downstairs to eat their dinner.
After Felicity finishes eating her dinner, she watches the dishes in the sink then she goes up to her room to continue talking with Shane.
When she enters her room she sits at the desk where her laptop is set. Shane is not at his computer.
"Shane? You there?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm here" he says as he comes in front of the computer and sits down.
"Sorry I took so long, I had to wash the dishes"
"It's cool"
They continue talking for about half an hour then they say goodnight and hang up. Felicity prepares for bed. Then she sits down on the edge of her bed and reads her bible. Then she prays and goes to sleep.

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