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It's a Thursday, the day before Felicity and her family move to Toronto and they are at home packing up their things. The doorbell rings. Felicity goes to answer the door. When she opens the door, it's Shane.

"Shane? What's up?"

"Can I come in?"

Felicity steps aside to allow Shane to come in. Shane steps inside.

"Good afternoon" Shane says.

"Hello Shane, what's up?" Mr Hale asks

"Well a few people at church are having a goodbye party later at my house since you will be leaving kinda early tomorrow, and I was asked to tell you all the surprise"

"Great!" Danny says.

"Yeah it is Danny, it begins at 6:00 so you have approximately 3 hours to do what you have to do and get ready to come over"

"We'll be there" Mrs Hale says.

"Alright, so I will see all of you later"

Felicity walks Shane to the door.

"See you later Shay" he says standing at the door looking at Felicity.

"Yes Shane" says Felicity smiling leaning against the half open door.

"Alright" Shane says.

He walks away and Felicity closes the door. Felicity continues to pack up her things after an hour they all finish and start to get ready for the party. Felicity wears a purple Frankie sleeveless chiffon belted skater dress just above her knee with brown Atarah laser cap toe flats and a brown fedora hat with her hair let down. They all get in Mr Hale's car and they drive to Shane's house. When they arrive there are a lot of cars parked at the front. Eventually they find somewhere to park and they go to the door and ring the bell. Shane opens the door.

"Come in" Shane says.

Mr and Mrs Hale enter then Danny and Felicity enter last.

"You look wonderful" Shane tells Felicity. He takes her hand as she walks through the door and kisses her on her cheek.

"Thanks" she says with a smile.

Shane escorts her to the living room where the main action is happening. When they enter the living room, Felicity sees Lucy, Anjay, Chase, Julia and Jhavel and a few of Danny's friends. Felicity's friends come and greet her.

"I'm gonna miss you Fel" Lucy says.

Felicity hugs Lucy. Then the rest of them come in for a big group hug. Then Shane's father stands at the front and knocks his glass gently so that he could get everyone's attention.

"Alright, now that I have everyone's attention, I'd like to make a toast to the Hale family, I have known this people for about 3 years and believe me those were some memorable years" he laughs, "They have helped my family greatly by just being great friends to me, my wife Jenna and Shane and on behalf of my family, I'd like to say that we are going to miss all of you, please don't forget to visit and call us" he raises his glass of wine then everyone raises their glass. Everyone continues to talk until Shane walks to the front.

"Well Mr and Mrs Hale, Felicity and Danny, we all would like to present our gifts to each of you, firstly Mr Hale, please come forward"

Mr Hale walks up to Shane and his father comes with the gift. He presents him with a leather jacket. Mrs Hale gets an elaborately decorated vase for her flowers. Danny gets a skateboard and Felicity gets a classic heart necklace. After everyone chats a little, the party is over and Felicity and her family are saying goodbye to Shane's family. They are about to walk out when Shane says "Felicity can I please talk to you?"

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