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The teacher walks into the class.

"Good morning class, my name is Mr Steven for those of you who didn't know and I will be your biology teacher for this year "

"Good morning Mr Steven" the class replies.

"Today is the first day of school and it is time for all of your minds to get off relax mode and into work mode" he pauses, "It has been only two months that we lost a dear student, Jade Waite and may her soul rest in peace, let us have a moment of silence" Mr Steven says. There is a moment of silence.

"Now today we will be learning about the heart" Mr Steven says breaking the silence. He teaches the topic until the session is over. The class dismisses. Felicity is walking down the hall when a boy walks up behind her.

"Hey" he says.

"Hi" Felicity says still walking and barely looking at him.

"My name is Gareth Jones, what's yours?" he asks.

"Felicity Hale" she says.

"Cool name"

Felicity stops walking.

"Can we finish this conversation later? I'm kinda in a rush, I have to go to the chemistry lab now"

"You have chemistry with Mrs McLean now? So do I" he says with a bright smile on his face.

"Great" Felicity mumbles under her breath before she continues walking. They walk to the chemistry lab. Only two other girls are in there. Felicity takes a seat at the front and Gareth sits down beside her. Five minutes later, Mrs McLean walks in. She introduces herself and starts the lesson. While Felicity is writing, Gareth moves over a little more beside her and then touches her.

"Hey...umm..could I borrow a pencil please?" he whispers.

Felicity hands him one of her pencils out of her pencil case.


He moves over, giving Felicity back her personal space. An hour passes, it's lunch time. Felicity walks out of the lab after everyone else rushes out. When she walks out of the class, Gareth is in the hall waiting for her.

"Why are you stalking me Gareth?" Felicity asks as she walks away from him.

"You look kinda lonely so I thought I'd give you some company" he says walking behind her.

"I don't need any"

"I know you do"

Felicity says nothing, she just walks to the cafeteria and walks to a table while he follows her. She takes out her lunch and starts to unwrap it. He sits down in front of her.

"So did you know Jade?"

"I only met her once at my neighbors barbeque"

"Did you hear the rumors about how the fire started?"

"I don't listen to gossip"

"Really? You're the first girl at this school that I've ever heard say that"

"Do you think that's a bad thing?"

"No way! I like that" he looks at her and smiles then looks away and starts to eat his food. Thirty minutes later, after they have finished eating and chatting a little, they walk into the halls.

"Thanks for keeping me company but I gotta go to class" Felicity says.

"It was nice talking to you"

She smiles and then walks away.

School is over. Felicity is outside, waiting for her father to pick her up. Then she gets a call.

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