"Yeah. Very true," the fellow officer replied, pouring himself a glass from the decanter of whiskey and swallowing the entire pour in one go in an appalling breach of workplace professionalism. Seriously, a potential XK-class end of the world event is still no excuse for drinking on the job. "but man, quitting on a first mission? That's a damn shame. I mean imagine the disgrace, the undying shame they get to live with the rest of their lives. Poor kids," said the man almost nonchalantly after keeping the folder back on the table, "welp, they'd better get used to it then."

"Hey, hey, hold on now. What's that supposed to mean?" Haturii chimed in, responding rather quickly, "They're not quitting! They're just staying off things a while."

"Uh-huh. Sure, buddy. You keep telling yourself that. Wouldn't be surprised myself if those little delinquents of yours were to disobey orders."

"Wait, what?"

"Oh, c'mon now, don't pretend we weren't like that at that age," the man stood from his seat and walked casually to Haturii, stumbling over a couple of times in his steps a man drunk and upon reaching him, he threw his arm over his shoulders. "Remember? I the ever so manly and you the wimpy one, running around causing troubles, disobeying orders. Heh, such delinquents we were back then. Good times, Good times."

"Yeah, well, that's all in the past now." Was the response, throwing the man's arm off before starting for the door.

"Hey, why so stuck up? Don't be such a downer man, c'mon!" He stated, watching from a distance, his eyes looking glazed over as if hypnotized. "I mean, sure, that was a long time ago but still--
What happened to you, Haturii? You used to be interesting, not the stuck up type I know now."

He stopped dead in his tracks, the door right in front of him.

With a hand gripping the cool brass knob sooner, Haturii turned, looking at the man with those flat and fatigued eyes of his caused by a lack of sleep. "You're wasted, Emmett," he said, flat and plain, opening the door and then proceeding to walk out the office, leaving him with those simple words to plunder upon, the door closing shortly behind him.

Rscp-004, as far as Deputy Haturii could tell was the more traditional kind of toxic. He'd been briefed using the Rscp-004 infopack. A heavily redacted description of the anomaly 004. The pressure was on, with the Site director growing more and more impatient by the moment so they needed to make the journey immediately. Every minute counted, and Deputy Haturii was painfully aware of the time slipping away slowly! Though he could not possibly fathom why she'd need a Kaiju like this killed with such urgency, it was important to keep all Foundation activity around Rscp-004 under wraps.

Haturii had no idea of the true value of the anomaly he and his small team would head out for. But he would, in time.

The man gulped down the rest of his beer. "Booo..." he uttered upon his dear friend's departure.


A Kaiju's Wanderings...!

//A Monster's POV//

"What humans do not understand, they fear.

And what they fear, they judge as evil. What they judge as evil, they attempt to control. And what they cannot control...

They destroy.

And dare I say, this is the world through my own eyes!"

Huh? What... was I doing just now?
Actually... Who am I?

How am I... here?

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