chapter 24

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i changed the name of this fic from 'bully' to 'rules' because i felt that it fits better. hope this doesn't confuse you too much!

p.s. i am so gay for lee suhyun from akmu



yoongi turns around to see his best friend hoseok behind him. the autumn sun surrounding his figure.

"hey hobi. what's up?"

"uh... i um..." hoseok scratches his head and looks away. yoongi can see the faint tint of a blush on his cheeks. "i've been meaning to say this for a while, but i've always been too scared. promise we'll still be best bros when i tell you?"

"hobi, bro, whatever this is, i'm here for you. i'm not gonna judge by best bro."

hoseok smiles slightly. "well, min yoongi, i really, like really really... like you..."

yoongi is lost for words. he wasn't expecting hoseok to say anything like this. "i..."

"i-it's ok if you don't feel the same. i just thought i should tell you..."

hoseok is uncomfortable and anxious. yoongi can feel that and he feels sorry for him.

yoongi hasn't been very open to the idea of homosexuality. he's always seen it as something alien. something that he can make fun of and get laughs from other people. just recently, with his more frequent friendly interactions with jungkook, has he started to have a change of heart.

"hobi. look at me."

hoseok shyly looks into his crush's eyes.

"we can make it work. teach me how to love like this, ok?"

"wait are you saying what i think you're saying?" hoseok's face lights up.

yoongi nods and gives hoseok a big hug. "i'm here for you always hobi. don't ever forget that. ever."

hoseok hugs yoongi tighter than he ever has before. "i won't."


"you guys are what? yoongi since when have you started to allow this?" namjoon screams at their lunch table.

"not so loud!" yoongi says, looking around at the people who turned their heads to the loudness of namjoon.

"we're dating. duh." says hoseok.

jimin slams his lunch box down on the table and walks out of the cafeteria.

everyone looks at the new couple.

"what?" asks hoseok.

yoongi sighs. "jimin has been thirsting for my dick for centuries. it's obvious he'd feel bad about this."

"well then give him your dick." says hoseok.

everyone stares wide-eyes at hoseok.

"what? is it weird that i'm giving yoongi freedom?"

"no, i just didn't take you for someone non-monogamous." says seokjin.

"i wouldn't say i'm non-monogamous. i think polyamorous would be a more correct way to put it."

"huh." taehyung takes in all the new information.

"you two should go talk to jimin." jungkook suggests.

"yeah. let's go hobi."


park jimin was upset. he really genuinely liked yoongi. he just tends to sexualise things a bit too much sometimes. and don't get him wrong, jimin is obsessed with the idea that someday he'll get fucked by yoongi, but now yoongi is with hoseok and will probably never even give jimin a chance.

he's sitting in a bathroom stall, about to call up someone to hook up with to get his mind off things when he hears people calling his name outside the stall.

he hears it as yoongi and hoseok's voice.

he decides to stay quiet.

"you sure he's in here? there's only one shall that's closed." yoongi asks.

"trust me, my gut never lies."

yoongi sighs. "jimin we know you're in there. come out and we'll talk about things."

jimin still stays silent.

"jimin you could have him as well. you can join us." says hoseok.


he still stays silent.

"look jimin, i'll fuck you if you come out."

jimin was hesitant, but that wasn't what he truly wanted. he wanted a long relationship, not a quick fuck.

luckily, hoseok managed to catch on. "jimin we could be a throuple. i'll share him with you and you can be happy with him as long as i'm in the picture too. sound fair?"

it takes jimin a while to think about it. does he really want to be in a relationship with hoseok too? well, hoseok is pretty hot and he's also a really kind and understanding person, so he guesses he could give it a try.

he unlocks the stall door, yoongi hoping it isn't a random stranger. luckily it isn't.

jimin stands there with a pout on his face. "you're mean yoongi" :(

"i'm nice enough to give you what you want." yoongi pats jimin's head and jimin leans into his touch. he looks at hoseok who is smiling brightly. "thanks guys."


this isn't the final chapter! i just felt like the relationship between yoongi and jimin was unfinished and i was originally planning on this throuple happening.

ok byeeee

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