Chapter 7

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Taehyung runs in the direction that Jungkook went. He can't see Jungkook anywhere. "Fuck." He decides to grab his phone and text Jungkook as Yeontan again.

Yeontan: hey wanna talk about random stuff

Yeontan: I'm bored

Taehyung has to wait a bit before Jungkook replies.

Jungkook: I don't know if I can for long

Jungkook: I'm running away from my roommate

Yeontan: why?

Jungkook: idk actually

Jungkook: I just started it somehow and now if he catches me I'll give him a reward 😎

Yeontan: what's the reward??

Jungkook: I haven't thought of one yet

Yeontan: would you let him fuck you?

Jungkook: uhhh 😬

Jungkook: yes...

Yeontan: omg actually??

Jungkook: shhh

Yeontan: lol

Yeontan: are you hiding rn?

Jungkook: yeah I'm at my friend's dorm.

Yeontan: does he know where their dorms are?

Jungkook: I don't think so...

Jungkook: anyway sorry I can't really talk

Jungkook: I need to think of a plan to
somehow get back to my dorm because I wanna play video games and my friends only have Minecraft and the sims 4.

Yeontan: dump your friends

Yeontan: they're not good enough for u

Jungkook: lol I would never!

Jungkook: anyways byee

Yeontan: bye

Taehyung turns his phone off. 'What were their names again? Seokjin? Jimin?' He heads to the main office. When he gets there, he asks one of the office ladies what the dorm number is, and then heads to where he wants to be with the new information in mind.


Jungkook turns off his phone after texting Yeontan. "Guys can you hide me somewhere until I have enough time to figure out a plan?"

"Sure. Come with me." Seokjin leads Jungkook to his closet where he can hide behind some clothes.

"Thanks hyung." Jungkook says as Seokjin closes the closet door.

Seokjin heads back to the living room where Jimin is talking to someone at the door. "Who is it, Jiminie?" He asks.

Jimin turns to Seokjin. "Taehyung."

"What? How do you know where we live??" Seokjin freaks out.

"I have my ways." Taehyung smirks. "Where's Jungkook?"

"We don't know. We haven't seen him since we went to the shops." Says Seokjin.

Jimin then whispers something into Taehyung's ear. "I'll tell you where he is if you come to bed with me..."

Taehyung actually considers this for a moment before he sees Jungkook rush out of a room and fly past him. "Fuck!" Taehyung runs after Jungkook.

Seokjin shakes his head. "What is Jungkook doing?"

"He took away my chance of getting some of Taehyung's big dick." Jimin pouts.

"That's not important right now." Says Seokjin.
"Who knows what Taehyung will do when he catches Jungkook? Jungkook's ass could become nonexistent by the time Taehyung's done with him. We need to help him!"

"If Taehyung catches him." Jimin corrects Seokjin. "I think Jungkook will be ok. He's the most speedy person I know. And he's really good at hiding."

Seokjin sighs. "You have a point."


Jungkook runs as fast as he can. If there's any chance Jungkook could let Taehyung know not to mess around with him, it would be this. He manages to lose Taehyung. All he needs to do now is go back to the dorm. There's no way Taehyung would think of finding him there.

Jungkook turns a corner, still running. He's on the final stretch. He can see the door that would give him his freedom, which Jungkook eventually opens.

Jungkook quickly shuts the door behind him and prepares to flomp onto the couch.

But then he feels arms wrap around his waist from behind.

"What the-" Jungkook is taken by surprise when he feels soft lips against his neck. They move slowly against his bare skin, sucking and kissing. That's when Jungkook feels his stomach drop in despair when he realizes who it is. "Taehyung?"

Taehyung only hums in response, picking Jungkook up and carrying him to his own bedroom where he places the panting boy on his bed. "Give me my reward, baby.."

"I don't know what to give you.." Jungkook backs away from Taehyung on the bed, finding his way up to where the pillows are.

"Then let me decide for you..." Taehyung climbs on top of Jungkook, holding his chin up before saying "let me show you what pleasure really feels like."

Jungkook blushes. "C-can't I at least shower first?"

"No. I want you how you are right now." Taehyung removes Jungkook's jacket.

Jungkook's heart is pounding. He can't believe he's actually going to have sex with Kim Taehyung, the one he has a crush on.

But does he actually like Taehyung?

Jungkook has asked himself this so many times before. What Yeontan told him earlier seemed true.

Jungkook watches as Taehyung removes his own shirt. He looks at all the defined features he has always dreamt of seeing on another person and decides that yes. Jungkook is, in fact, in love.

"You're staring, baby. Are you exited?" Taehyung says as he unzips his pants and removes them.

Jungkook doesn't say anything. He feels a tent grow in his pants and tries to take them off, but Taehyung's hands stop him.

"Let me do it, baby. Right now you need to catch your breath before you lose it again."

Taehyung's words make the insides of Jungkook's thighs tingle in exitement. His breath hitches as Taehyung slowly slides down his jeans.
"Taehyung, please. I'm not ready."

"Your dick says otherwise, baby. Let me take care of everything. Let me make you feel good." Taehyung almost whispers, sliding his hands underneath Jungkook's shirt and sliding them up the boy's chest, removing the shirt.

Both of them are only in boxers now, except for Jungkook, who's still wearing his choker from the outing.

Taehyung runs his tongue from Jungkook's abdomen to his neck, slipping his tongue underneath the black choker and playing with it a little.

"Taehyung, please..." Jungkook says in a needy voice.

Taehyung stops what he's doing. "Please what?"

"Please fuck me.."


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