Chapter 6

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I have writers block for all my stories lol


Jungkook is on his way to meet up with his friends.

(What he's wearing)

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(What he's wearing)

Jungkook arrives at the fountain where his friends are waiting for him.

"Jungkookie!" Seokjin waves at him.

Jungkook runs up to them and hugs them.

"Hey there, lover boy~" Jimin teases.

"Hey! I don't like Taehyung." Jungkook says. "Maybe... I don't know!"

"Who cares about Taehyung right now. Let's do some shopping!" Seokjin speaks up.

The three of them have fun shopping. They go into all kinds of different shops. Toy stores, bakeries, clothes stores, makeup stores, they even go into a store for sex.

"Why does this place exist?" Seokjin shakes his head.

"I wanna buy everything." Says Jimin.

Jungkook looks around and something catches his eye. He walks towards it, imagining what he would do with it.

"Ooh, Jungkookie wants a dildo?" Jimin teases. "I have a bunch at my place. You can borrow one if you want.."

"Jimin, that is very disgusting and unhygienic. Jungkook should get his own if he really wants one." Says Seokjin.

But Jungkook isn't listening to his friends. He's too interested in this particular item. He picks it up and brings it over to the counter.

The worker gives him a questioning look but he scans the item anyway and puts it in a bag for Jungkook.

Next it's Jimin's turn. He places a bunch of items on the counter.

"Jimin do you really need that much stuff?" Seokjin asks in disappointment. "You're single. This is all unnecessary."

Jimin looks at Seokjin. "Did you forget something?"

The person at the counter scans the item, listening to the boys' conversation.

"What? I know that you sleep around, but those other guys should have their own things. You have no reason to get this much stuff."

"Jin hyung just let Jimin be. You're gonna get nowhere if you try to talk him out of continuing his sex life." Jungkook says, taking the bag that the worker put Jimin's sex toys in and paying the confused-looking man the correct amount of money.

They leave the store and decide to go to an ice cream store. Then they go home.

They all had fun.

Jungkook decides to text Yeontan on his way back home.

Jungkook: hey tannie

Yeontan: hello

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