chapter 18

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"where are you going, tae?" jungkook asks.

he's sitting on the couch watching prison school when taehyung kisses him goodbye.

"i'm heading over to namjoon's place for a bit to work on an assignment. is that alright?"

"of coarse. have fun tae tae." jungkook kisses taehyung and then the latter leaves.

taehyung feels so bad for lying to jungkook, but it's too late now. jungkook would be mad at him if he finds out that he's yeontan.

when taehyung gets to his friend's dorm, he's welcomed in by hoseok.

"hey what's up bro?"

"i need to speak to namjoon. is he here?"

"yeah, is something going on? this seems serious."

"i must secure my relationship with someone. and namjoon's the only one who can help me with that." taehyung says.

"you're in a relationship and you didn't think to tell me? i'm hurt, dude."

taehyung sighs. "hoseok, you've been my friend since forever, so i think you have the right to know. just as long as you don't tell anyone."

"of coarse. you can trust me tae."

taehyung hesitates before saying "i have a boyfriend. and jungkook's the one who i'm dating."

hobi covers his mouth in surprise. "really? i had no idea!" he says a little too loudly.

"he has my phone number but he thinks he's texting someone called yeontan-"

hoseok snorts.

"-it's a long story. don't question it. anyway, because of that, i can't tell him that i'm the one who he's been sharing secrets and everything with. he'll be so mad at me and i don't want that to happen. so when he asked for my number i gave him namjoon's number instead."

after taehyung's speech, hoseok just stands there. "taehyung listen to me and i mean this in the nicest way possible..." hoseok puts his hands on taehyung's shoulders. " fucked up."


"hey jungkookie." seokjin says when they meet in their science classroom. they always hog the back row.

"hey jinnie." jungkook smiles at his friend. "what's up?"

"we should make a group chat with us and our boyfriends!" jin exclaims excitedly.

jungkook is jungshook. "since when did you have a boyfriend?"

"ouch that hurt kookie." jin pouts. "well, he's not my boyfriend yet but i can tell he likes me. anyway yeah. do you have all of tae's friend's phone numbers?"

"only tae's." jungkook says.

"i have joon's and i think jimin has yoongi's, hoseok's and taehyung's."

"why does he have tae's number?"

"group assignment."


"i'll make a chat with us three and joon and then you can add tae and jimin can add the other two."

"alright." jungkook gets his phone out, waiting to get a notification from a new group chat. meanwhile he looks through his texts with taehyung (a/n: namjoon now knows about tae's dilemma with kook).

when he finally gets the notification, he furrows his brows in confusion.

"i thought you didn't have tae's number?"

"i don't."

"then why is he in the group chat?"

"i only added you, jimin and joon. what do you mean?"

jungkook shows seokjin what he's seeing on his phone.

jin takes his phone and looks at taehyung's number. and then namjoon's number on his own phone. "they're the same..."

"what the hell? did tae accidentally give me namjoon's number?"

"no because why would he be responding to you in such an affectionate way if it was an accident?" jin shows off his big brain.

jungkook retrieves his phone to text jimin on their private chat.

hey hoe add yoongi hoseok and tae to the gc jin just made or ill beat ur ass


soon enough, three new members are added to the group chat.

two phone numbers jungkook hasn't seen before and... what the hell?





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