Relax, please

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Possibly thirty or so minutes later the new areas have been unlocked, Miu Iruma's lab opened, it didn't quite fit her personal style but she seems to enjoy it given that she bombarded you and Kokichi with sex jokes.
Himiko Yumeno's lab also opened, it was quite expected but oh well, I guess we'll just have to deal with it.
Ryoma Hoshi's lab opened, he didn't like it at all, he just stood there and stared at it with a grim expression, maybe he wanted to play but he convinced himself that there isn't really a point to it.
The other three other labs that opened, I haven't seen them yet, them being, Kirumi Tojo the Ultimate Maid, Maki Harukawa the Ultimate child care giver and Gonta Gokuhara the Ultimate Entomologist.

Free time. Spend free time with Kokichi Oma? Yes.

You and Kokichi are in the second floor classroom, "I mean seriously! Do robots have dicks," he asked in an almost joking manner causing you to laugh, he went silent he is just staring at you, you also go silent and look straight back at him.
"What?" You are very confused why the normally loud boy suddenly went silent, that's when he responds.
"That was so fucking cute! Laugh again!! Laugh!!"
You feel heat rising to your face, thankfully you were saved by the sound of Shuichi slamming the door open with odd confidence, he looks at the two of you, blinks, slams the door shut, you can hear him screaming "not today," from the other side of the door.

You and Kokichi finish free time, he smiles at you with a comforting glow to him. "Hey, (Y/N), what do you think the motive will be for this time around?"
"Honestly no clue, maybe he'll blackmail us into murder this time," you suggest with a shrug.
"Hey Y/N, look over there," he points straight ahead of you, when you turn your head to look you feel a pair of lips touch your cheek followed by a cheeky giggle and Kokichi running off.


You return to your room and go to sleep. When you wake up you find a tablet on your bed, you're too scared to turn it on and look at the contents, you feel yourself shudder at the childish colors of this tablet. You pick it up and run out of your dorm not caring for your disheveled look, you run to Kokichi's door and knock on it, you don't know why you chose Kokichi. "Oma please open up!"
The door opened and Kokichi opened the door with a smile, "Awh you came to me," he cuts himself off, "you look horrible what's wrong?"
"This fucking tablet! Did you get one," you ask shakily holding up the tablet you found in your room.
He quickly grabs it, "I did, I'll hold onto this for you, you seem too shaken up to carry it," he stated pointing to your hands of which he grabs and drags you outside.

"Hey hey, sidekick, calm down. Please," Kokichi sat down with you in the grass, "I promise I won't let anything happen to you," it looks like he feels he might not be able to keep that promise but it still puts you to ease.
"Thank you Kokichi, also what was that kiss on the cheek for?"
"Oh I was just testing you! Sidekicks work worse when they're in love with the main hero! But I guess I can make exceptions..," Kokichi that slick fucker.
"I am not in love with you!" Wait are you lying? Oh damn, well, tea. Kokichi catches on to the faltering lie.
"Liar!" Kokichi seems nearly happy.

The two of you continue to talk, he continues to tease you until you see everyone else head out for breakfast.

To Be Continued

Part Time Liar (Kokichi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now