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You wake up in a locker, suddenly deja vu strikes when you fall out of the locker, soon followed by two other people. A girl with blond hair and purple-ish-pink-ish eyes. A boy with dark blue hair and eyes, they began introducing themselves, the girl, Kaede Akamatsu, and the boy, Shuichi Saihara.
"Have I met them before" you ask yourself before promptly introducing yourself as your fake identity. "I'm Kenji (L/N)" you waved softly before saying "I'm the Ultimate Violinist!"
"Oh! That's cool! Maybe me and you can make a piece together" Kaede suggested, you softly nodded before going to exit the room.
"Wait! Where are you going" Shuichi asked.
"I'm gonna see if there are others here, stay here and investigate if you want" you replied, your hand still on the doorknob. You pull the door open and step out into the halls.
"What the hell? What kind of botanist took over this place" you asked, looking at all the plants ground on the walls and floor. You weren't paying attention to where you were going and you tripped, falling down the first flight of stairs. "Agh FUCK" you yelled holding your arm in pain, you suddenly hear a few footsteps coming towards you.
"Gonta think loud yelling come from this way" a voice called out, it was getting closer and closer to you.
Three people stood near you, an extremely tall, boy with dark green hair and red eyes, he wasn't wearing shoes and he has glasses, cute. The next one was another boy, with light green hair, and eyes, he had piercings in and a blue striped shirt to be honest he kinda looks like an avocado. The last one was a girl, with blue eyes, and blue hair, her glasses almost matched the ones of the taller male, her outfit was rather plain.
"A-are you okay" the girl asked you, holding out her hand, you grab it and nodded, "that's good!"
"Gonta think we should introduce ourselves! I am Gonta Gokuhara, The Ultimate Entomologist" the taller male announced with a childish smile on his face.
"This kid is cute what the hell!?"
"I'm Rantaro Amami, I don't know what my talent is.." the boy in the striped shirt said.
"I'm Tsumugi Shirogane, The Ultimate Cosplayer" the blue haired girl rang.
"Kenji (L/N), the Ultimate Violinist. It's a pleasure to meet you" you replied, and then you heard two more pairs of foot steps.

That's when you heard him...

To be continued

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