Ex's With Benifits

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I've never been friends with an ex....I don't know how to act. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. Neither of us wanted to break up. We wanted to work through whatever it was we were going through. But it wasn't our time. Our time will come. We will be together again. We will be happy.

"Hey Addison! Long time no see! How you been?" I heard Josh. "I'm alright, but I need to see Bryce." I heard her. "Want me to go get hi-" She cut him off. "No Ill just go up. Thanks Josh." I heard her speed up the stairs and I immediately went back on my chair with my headphones on pretending I didn't know she was here.

I thought she was gonna walk in and say hey but no, she came up behind the chair and laid a soft kiss in my neck. "Addison? What are you doing?" I asked her. She stayed silent, slowly flipped her hair to the other side and kissed the other side of my neck.

At this point I have already taken off the headphones and turned to face her. "Addison, what are you doing?" I asked her again. She just smirked and sat on my lap in the chair and kissed me.

At first I let my hands fall onto her waist pulling her closer but quicker remember our status. I lightly pushed her off. "Addison. I love you and you know that but we broke up. 3 weeks ago. Please just tell me what's going on?"

"I have needs Bryce...needs that can't be fulfilled by anyone else." Basically saying she wants to fuck, in the most PG way possible. "Addison as much as I would love to we can't. We broke up, Baby." I explained to her.

She pouted at me knowing that her pouty face gets me every time. But I can't give in. It's not right. "Addison we can't." I told her. "But Bryce you don't understand. I've tried to get over it but then I got my period and today is my first day off of it. It was almost a tradition for us to do it my first day off." She whined and sat down on my bed facing me.

"I know and I'm sorry but we can't do this Addison. You know that." I told her. "Why not?" She groaned. Ugh she's so hot when she gets like this I just want to pin her to the wall and- Bryce stop it you can't think like that, you're not together anymore.

"Because we're not together anymore." I told her trying to make her stop. "So! We did it before we got together! I really don't see a problem here." She must be really horny if she's still trying to make this happen.

"Listen, my sex drive is through the roof right now and you are the only person in this entire universe who knows how to please me. Bryce I'm begging you. Just this once." She said to me with lust and desperation in her eyes.

I got up and locked the door. "Just this once." I repeated to her and laid her down on the bed kissing her.

soooooooo i wrote this a while ago and it was supposed to be a story introduction for someone else but i don't think their going to start the story anytime soon so here's this. if they ever do post the story then you know where it came from.

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