Aizawa is clearly getting annoyed while Ms. Joke is starting to laugh at this.

Deadpool: I promise this gets worse for you big boy!!!

Allmight: This is embarrassing. Please stay down.

He gets up again and starts jumping around on one leg.

Deadpool: You ever gear of the one legged man in the ass kicking contest.

Ms. Joke: Do you have an off switch?

Deadpool: Yeah It's next to the prostate. (Flirty tone) Or is that the on switch.

Eraser head: Enough.

He pulls you in with his capture scarf and the knock you out.

Eraser head: Okay lets hurry before he wakes up.

Time skip brought to you by Chibi Eraser head dragging an unconscious chibi Deadpool:

3rd person pov

We see Deadpool handcuffed to a table in a dark room. As the lights flicker he begins to wake up.

Where the fuck am I ? I feel like a college girl after partying on a boat. Minus the shame afterwards.

The door to the room opens and a strange small rat bear thing walked in.

???: Why hello their Mr.Wilson I hope that your ride here was comfortable.

Deadpool: Oh yeah Nezu, I love being knocked out and dragged here against my will and then be handcuffed to a table. Can't get enough of it.

Nezu: Yes I'm quite sorry about that but we needed to make sure you got here.

Deadpool: Eh It's fine, I'm already over it. (Sigh) So what is this all about. Do you need me for something or did you just miss me that much? I hope it's the first one cause I can't handle another yandere on my hands.

Nezu: Don't worry Mr.Wilson it isn't anything like that. You see I have a proposition for you.

Deadpool: Oh thank god, seriously I was really worried about the yandere possibility. There was this girl who sent me a letter written in blood telling me how much she loves me and blood. Couldn't sleep for a week after that (shutters). So what do ya want.

Nezu: You see mr. Wilson I believe you have the potential to become an amazing hero. Which is why I want you to join UA.


Nezu: Um, mr. Wils-

Deadpool: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh my god your freaking hilarious. I mean me, be a hero that's ridiculous. (Chuckles) seriously what do you need?


Deadpool: Wait your serious?!

Nezu: I've been watching you mr. Wilson and I believe that you have the potential to become an amazing hero. All you need it the proper training.

Deadpool: (Sigh) Okay let me make myself clear. I will never ever think about-

Nezu: Also I should probably mention that if you Don't we'll have to send you to jail for vigilantism!

Deadpool: (Nervous chuckle) Like I was saying I would love to join UA! When so I start.

Nezu: School starts in a week. You'll need to fill out some paperwork, but I'll have Aizawa help you with that.

Deadpool: Okay, hey can you uncuff me so I can go get my stuff.

Nezu: Wait we still need to ask your partner.

Deadpool: Oh yeah, forgot about him. Okay I'll get him.

Deadpool began to carefully take off his mask. When he took it off it revealed a teenage boy with (s/c) skin and (h/l) black hair. He then reached into one of his pouches and took out a pair of thick black glasses and put them on.

Nezu: Ah Y/n it's so nice to see you again.

Y/N: Same here Nezu, and Don't worry I heard what you told Red and I'm in. So mind if you let me out.

Nezu: Sure let me just get Aizawa and Fukukado. We can't risk you running off, I hope you understand.

Y/n: Hey I don't mind. Red has done this many times before.

Nezu then got up and left you alone with your thoughts.

Deadpool: "Dammit now we gotta be a stinkin hero"

Y/n: "Hey Red relax, maybe this won't be so bad"

And done!!! Dang that took awhile. We are finally getting close to the main plot. I hope you enjoy and remember to stay perky.

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