Rain and Romance

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Hey everyone, this chapter is time jumped to the Friday of the slugclub party.
BTW DON'T PLAY MUSIC INTIL YOU SEE THE QUE IN THE STORY. This story hits the feels, especially with the music once it's queded
Lily's POV:

I woke up my alarm was beeping, I rolled out of bed. I went into the bathroom braided my hair, so it would crimped for tonight, and put on my makeup. I pulled on my robes, and went down into the common room. James was still asleep, I walked into his dorm. James I said shaking him, He immediately got up. Yes Lily-flower, he said sweetly. You have to get ready, it's Friday. Good, because tomorrow I just wanna be with you. I pretended to be annoyed, but I was flattered. He went into his bathroom, and came out a minute later fully dressed. Let's go I said, a bit annoyed at how quick he could be ready. We climbed through the portrait hole, and headed down to the great hall for breakfast. I sat down with Alice, where is Marley I asked. She is over there with Morgan, Flinch Morgan she said as she helped her self to eggs. Oooooh, I said eagerly, she got a date. Yeah, she's liked him for a week now. Ok I said as I helped a bit of bacon and hash onto my plate. An owl flew down next to me with the daily prophet, I took it from him. I read the headline, Death eater caught and sent to Azkaban. This was good news, at least we weren't totally losing. I handed the paper to Alice, she returned a grin to me and passed the paper to Frank. I finished up my breakfast and got ready to head to potions, I sat with James. Hello, Lily-flower, he said foolishly. I playfully hit his arm, he laughed. You wanna go out with me? He asked playfully, maybe, I said jokingly. Maybe-Not, he laughed, I began giggling. Lily Evans, giggling, James said sarcastically. I laughed. We were having so much fun I didn't hear Professor Slughorn. Evans and Potter, Slughorn said loudly. I blushed, and so did James. Today we are discussing Amortia, we already had this lesson James said. Yes, M.r. Potter, but Miss Evans was in the hospital wing, Slughorn replied. He told us that today we would smelling amortia. He told us a lot about amortia, I was jotting down notes. Slughorn placed a small pot of amortia on each desk, I sniffed it smelled like James's hair it was wonderful. I was almost sticking my face into the pot when James brought me back to earth. Sorry, I murmured.

The rest of our classes were review.

After all our classes I headed back to my dorm to get ready for dinner with the slugclub. I was wearing red lipstick, light pink eye shadow, and blush to make my cheeks rosy, for makeup. My outfit was black heals, skinny jeans and a light pink blouse to match my eye shadow. I headed out of my dorm, to find James in the common room. Wow Lily, he said excitedly, where are you off to? Slugclub, I said proudly, may I escort you he asked. Sure I said Cheerfully. Where do you need to go? He asked, three broomsticks. I said, ok he said As we walked out onto the grounds. It was sprinkling, and the path to hogsmead was rocky. The rain began to pick up so we walked faster, but it was hard in my heels. I fell and twisted my ankle, it stared pouring. My makeup was coming off and my outfit was ruined. QUE MUSIC I started crying, my makeup was running off my face, staining my blouse. My face was clean of makeup, and my blouse was ruined. I cried so hard. Lily said a soft voice you are beautiful without makeup on, every time you apply it I don't understand why you need it, he told me. He picked me up, and kissed me. The feeling warmed me, I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back. The kiss felt like magic, his lips were warm and soft against mine. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have James, he would always love me. He carried me back to the castle, I dried off and changed into some comfy cloths. James grabbed my hand, and pulled me into another kiss. It started slow, but then became fast. He pushed me up against the wall for support, I melted into him. The kiss became more furious, and James got his hand up my shirt still furiously kissing him. We kissed for what seemed like forever, but was only minutes. We broke apart, goodnight Lily-flower he said as headed up to my dorm.

Omg they kissed! Comment what you thought of this chapter. I'm out it's 10:30 pm this First year Hufflepuff needs her beauty sleep. Byyyyyeee

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