A birthday of blood

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Hey everyone, just want to let you know this is and exiting chapter, xoxo Addie

Lily's POV:

I followed James into an empty class room, he jumped up on one of the tables. So what's up I asked, I could feel my heart beating, WOULDYOUGOTOHOGSMEADWITHMECUZTHATWOULDBEGREAT what? I asked, would you like to go to hogsmead with me next weekend, he said, as he blushed red. I was hoping to go with Alice and Marlene, but I said yes anyway. We walked out of the class room and I rejoined Alice and Marlene, we were going to get ready for girl's night. Later that evening me Alice and Marlene snuck down to the kitchens for some food, Marlene got us a huge platter of food and we snuck up to my dorm. We chatted and laughed, and played truth or dare, when it was my turn I chose truth. Ok said Marlene, who do like? Um er, no one really I said even though James was racing through my mind. I get butterflies in my stomach every time I think about him though. You don't even like James Potter they teased, No! I said, then how come your going to hogsmead with him said Marlene. How did you find out I asked, Sirius told me she said. Alice looked surprised, why didn't you tell us in the first place she said. I forgot I said, even though I kinda did like James, after Alice and Marlene went back to there dorm I decided to get some shut eye. I couldn't, all I could think about was James and my family. What if Voldemort killed my family, I would be all alone. I knew James was down I the common room, but I started to cry. A little while later James came in, Lily he said, are you ok? I was still sobbing he sat next to me and comforted me, I must of stopped crying, because I could here him standing up to get me a glass of water. He came back in a tucked me under the covers, he handed me the water before leaving, goodnight Lily he said as he walked out closing the door behind himself. The next morning I got up, remembering it was still the weekend. I got dressed and found James in the common room, with the rest of the marauders. Then I remembered it was James's birthday, last year he made a big show about it. He was sitting the sofa with a bottle a fire wiskey looking glum, his friends were trying to hand him presents. Peter was trying to give him a rather disturbing drawing...

I began to turn tomato red when I realized the drawing was me, turned to run up to my dorm to hide

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I began to turn tomato red when I realized the drawing was me, turned to run up to my dorm to hide. It was to late James saw me, he also began to blush. He gave peter a nasty scowl, and ran up after me. I hid still blushing bright red, Lily I'm really sorry the guys were just being weird he said. He found me in my bed hiding under the blankets and asked me to come out, Lily I'm sorry it's just that I- he didn't finish, because he saw I was crying. Lily, I'm so desperately sorry, he said I just told him to get out. He left me there so I cried, that was so embarrassing! I ran into my closet and hid there for hours until I fell asleep slumped against the wall in my closet. I woke up stretching, remembering what happened earlier. I tried to push the closet doors open but they wouldn't budge, I was stuck in my closet, and no one knew! I started crying, I was starving and cramped up. What was I going to do? I tried to push once more, but nothing happened. Hours passed I just stared into the darkness.
Darkness darkness

... *-*

I couldn't stay like this, but there was nothing todo and I was starving.


I felt like I would die if I stayed here any longer.


Then I heard something, the door of my closet was opened. I was so hungry I fell out onto the floor, hitting it hard and became unconscious.

Snape's POV:

I dragged the unconscious Lily out of her closet to her bed, setting her down. It was hours until she woke up. Liiiiily, I said as she opened her eyes. SEVERUS? she yelled, what are you doing here. I have something for you.... he held out a lily, Sev, your not getting me back he she said. I don't know why I did but, SECTUMSEMPRA, Lily gave a horrible scream. I realized what I had done and I disparate.

James POV: I come back into the common room after lunch, I hear Snape's voice in Lily's room, then I hear him yell sectumsempra some weird spell he must of made up. Then Lily screams a deadly scream, and blood begins to drip out from underneath her door. I rush up to her room to see her with cuts every inch of her body, she bleeding all over the place. I yell MOONY, PADFOOT, WORMY!! GET THE **** IN HERE! they rush into lily's dorm, what the **** happened in here said Sirius. I don't know I say, almost crying. We carry her to madam pomfrey. Madam pomfrey bandages her cuts while I sit over her crying. Her eyes are closed and she looks so pale. Marlene and Alice rush in and begin crying, NOO! they scream, as they watch blood spill from her.

Did you like it? I hope so! Comment what you think should happen next I update 3 days of the week! Also comment your Harry Potter house, I'm Hufflepuff.

Jily with a hint of wolfstarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang