"What's going on?" You asked, smiling softly at Julius before shooting Spencer a dirty look.

"You know him?" Spencer asked angrily.

"Yeah, he's my date. What's it to you?" You moved aside, letting Julius into your apartment as you continued to argue with Spencer.

"A date?" Spencer looked shocked.

"A date," you mimicked. "Don't you have a book to read or something? Get out of here."

He grumbled under his breath as he stomped back up to his apartment. You shut the door and turned to Julius.

"I'm so sorry, that was my co-worker, he can get a little- angry sometimes."

Julius smiled at you. "Don't worry about it, it's good you have someone around that looks after you."

You slipped your boots on and grabbed your purse. "He doesn't do it to be nice, that's for sure."

Julius led you out of the building and over to his car. "Don't hate me, but I've actually never seen Friday the 13th," he said, referencing the movie you were going to see.

"Really!? It's one of my favorites, I watch it every October."

"I take it you like horror?" He asked as he drove to the theatre.

"it's my absolute favorite," you gushed. "You'd think after working with violent crime every day, I'd want a break, but I can't get enough."

He smiled as he pulled into the parking garage. "I think I like the idea of horror, but when it comes down to it, I've got a weak stomach."

You smiled back. "If you get scared, I'll hold your hand."

"You better." He winked.

Julius quickly got out of the car and stepped around to your door, holding it open. You thanked him as you climbed out of the car and followed Julius to the elevator. He bought two tickets to the 7 o'clock showing of Friday the 13th. It was a Halloween event, the local theatre was doing a '31 Days of Halloween' movie screening 'extravaganza'. You bought the popcorn and drinks, against Julius' wishes. He led you to the seats, close to the front. After a few minutes of waiting, the theatre lights dimmed and the movie began. Even though you'd seen the movie close to a million times, you still found yourself jumping at each character's untimely demise. Julius physically covered his eyes more than once and held tightly to your hand. In the dark of the theatre, you had the freedom to examine his face. He was cute. His curly hair fell across his forehead in shaggy whisps, framing his heart-shaped face. He stared intently at the screen as the movie came to an end.

"Wait, so it was the mom the whole time?" He asked as you left the theatre.

You laughed. "Jason doesn't actually start killing until the second movie."

"Wow. So I got catfished by a movie?"

"It seems like you did," you giggled as you walked back to the car.

Julius kept you laughing the whole way home. You couldn't help it, he was just so funny. He talked about himself mostly, the things he liked, the things he didn't like, basically covering anything that wasn't discussed over texts. You learned he grew up without a father (like you), and that he'd planned on traveling after college but he still hadn't made his plans yet. He went to school for creative writing and had "no fucking clue" what he wanted to do with his life. You listened intently, grateful for any conversation that didn't revolve around a body count.

"So, you said earlier that you'd just moved to Quantico. How are you liking it so far?"

You shrugged. "I haven't really had the chance to explore, working with the FBI is so demanding, when I do have time off I spend it sleeping."

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