15 - Swipe Right

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*Friday the 13th spoilers! (come on, the movie came out in 1980, if you haven't already seen it, tf are you doing)*

You'd been dreading talking about everything that had happened with Spencer. After falling asleep extra early last night, you'd woken up at the crack of dawn (literally, you watched the sunrise from your bedroom window). You opened the small bag Spencer had asked you to take, and examined the paraphernalia. Small glass bottles labeled Hydromorphone, one empty, laid in the front pocket of the kit. A quick Google search helped you realize it was Dilaudid. You faintly remembered hearing about Dilaudid once but didn't know much about it. You'd broken the seal and emptied the two other bottles into your toilet and tossed the bottles in the trash. You uncapped the two sterile needles in the kit and snapped the metal tip. You knew this probably wasn't necessary, but it helped your mind feel at ease. You didn't touch the one used needle in the kit, you merely tipped the case into the trash, left the bathroom, and went back to bed. Periodically throughout the night, you were awoken in old sweats plagued by nightmares of Spencer laying on the bathroom floor.


The last few weeks at work had been absolutely draining. Spencer had returned to giving you the cold shoulder, and you spent most of your time working as hard as you could. Sleep was something of the past, it seemed like every time you closed your eyes you were either reliving the night of your near-death or the night of Spencer's. He refused to talk to you about his progress, and you were worried. As much as you fucking hated it, Spencer was always on your mind. You'd expected him to lash out. After all, no matter how hard he tried to pretend, Spencer was still a kid at heart. You had no clue if he was still on drugs, and you didn't know how to ask. He refused to drive to work with you, waking up extra early to catch the bus each day, and it bugged you more than it should have.

"What do you have planned for this weekend?" Prentiss asked as you stepped off the jet on Friday night.

"I've got a date," you said nervously. You'd been using Tinder, trying to meet people in Virginia.

"Ooh! Let me see a picture."

You opened your phone and pulled up Julius's profile. The photo of him and his cat is what originally made you swipe, and you learned later you had a lot in common. He liked a lot of the same music as you, and read a lot of your favorite books. The two of you decided to meet up for a movie that night.

"He's cute!" Prentiss said reassuringly. "I mean, I play for the other team but he's not bad."

You smiled. "I haven't been on a date in a million years, I'm a little nervous."

"You're gonna have fun, a pretty face like yours will get you far." She winked at you as she walked back to her desk.

You stopped at your own and gathered your things before heading down to the garage. You passed Spencer on your way out, not bothering to say anything. You were perfectly happy not being friends with Spencer Reid.

The drive home from work was uneventful, and soon you were standing in front of your closet, scrambling for an outfit. From the depths of your drawers, you were able to put together a cute enough look. The plaid babydoll dress you'd picked fell to your mid-thigh, making your legs look longer. Your makeup was simple, a little mascara and some blush, matched with clear lipgloss. As you touched up your hair, there was a knock at the door. You skipped through the living room and pulled open the door.

What the fuck?

There was Julius, looking exactly like his photo, and there was Spencer, looking angry.

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