8 - Cloak and Dagger

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"Nope," Spencer said, quite simply. "I'm not doing it." He crossed his arms across his chest, frowning at you and everyone else in the room. Chief Cisco was taken aback and he left the room quietly, leaving the argument to Spencer and Hotch. You almost went with him, wanting to escape the tension in the conference room, but you decided against fleeing your boss, he wouldn't like that very much. But still, as Hotch and Spencer argued, you daydreamed about running back to the jet and forcing the pilot to take you back to Vegas.

"Reid, you don't have a choice," Hotch said sternly. "Quit it with the attitude."

Spencer looked at Hotch with an expression of anger and embarrassment, his eyes widened at Hotch's scolding. You, on the other hand, stood there in silence. Hotch had to be doing this on purpose right? He knew how much you and Spencer couldn't handle being around each other. Spencer's face reddened as Rossi and JJ both stifled laughter at his unnecessary anger.

Why me?

Almost as if he'd read your mind, Hotch explained. "You two are the closest in age to the victims."

"What about JJ?" You asked, knowing Spencer would rather team up with her. She looked over at you, a little shocked, but you offered a small smile, letting her know you weren't throwing her under the bus.

Hotch looked at JJ, then back to you. "She's going to be handling the press, I need her here." You frowned at your boss's response, then turned to Spencer. "So, I guess we're engaged." You said wryly, punching his shoulder lightly.

He muttered something under his breath before stomping out of the room, towards the bathroom. You watched him leave, then turned back to the team.

"He doesn't like me, Hotch." You said to your boss. "To be fair, I don't like him either, but at least I can act professionally."

Hotch followed Spencer's exit with his eyes before turning back to you. "He's been through a lot, I'm sure it's not you he's so upset about."

"I'm almost positive it's me." You said as Hotch passed you your undercover file.

Changing the subject, Hotch briefed you quickly on your character. "The fine details don't really matter, there's no way the unsub would be able to tell you're an agent so your mane and age doesn't need to be changed, but you and Spencer will have to go to a consultation, and for that, you need a few things. " JJ passed you a small jewelry box. "That's your engagement ring, you and Spencer will also have to agree on a few background details, where you met, how he proposed, etc."

"Great," You said dryly, watching as Spencer reentered the room, grabbing his file from Hotch. "Let's figure this out."


"Don't you dare hold my hand." You hissed, pulling away from Spencer.

"We're supposed to be engaged," he whispered back angrily. "We're supposed to be in love." The two of you argued quietly in front of the agency. Your appointment was in five minutes, and you and Spencer were still struggling with the whole 'play a nice couple' act.

You glanced into the building. "Fine. Let's go." You grabbed Spencer's hand, lacing your fingers through his. Taking a deep breath, you plastered a fake smile on your lips and pushed open the door. The two of you were immediately met with the overpowering scent of warm vanilla sugar, obviously, the owner of the storefront had a thing for Bath and Bodyworks. Glancing around, you cringed at the sight of all the white lacy decorations. The bookshelf in one corner held binders upon binders, no doubt stocked full with color swatches and stationary samples. Spencer led you to the small counter in the center of the shop. He rang the little bell on the table, and a short and stout elderly woman emerged from the back room.

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