20 - A Nice Goodbye

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After the team arrived back at the hotel, Hotch left everyone to retrieve their things while he checked out of the hotel. You walked into the quiet room and packed your things, double and triple-checking that you got all your things before meeting your friends in the lobby. Morgan was on the phone with Garcia, and JJ and Prentiss were deep in conversation. Rossi was nowhere to be seen and Hotch was talking to the lady at the desk, leaving you to sit next to Spencer. He looked up from his book. 

"Whatcha reading?" You asked.

"Empty Planet," he said, flipping the book shut to show you the cover.

"The shock of global population decline?"

He shrugged. "It's interesting." 

You nodded. "I bet."

The two of you lapsed into silence and sat in wait for the team's departure. Spencer's eyes were focused on the page, but it was quite obvious he wasn't reading. He sat motionless, without turning the page, for five minutes before Hotch finally returned. You grabbed your go-bag and followed the team out to the cars, riding with Rossi, JJ, and Morgan. 

The plane ride home was painfully uneventful, you spent most of the time switching between reading your book and drifting off to sleep. Spencer sat by your side, quiet the whole way back. It was 11 pm when the plane landed.

"You all are free to go," Hotch said as he walked to his desk. "We'll get the paperwork done tomorrow, go get some sleep." 

You thanked him repeatedly as you cleaned up your desk, hovering by your chair, waiting for Spencer to finish as well.

"Y/N?" He asked, approaching your desk. "Can I have a ride?"

"Of course," you said, grabbing your bag. Spencer followed you to the elevator. You led him to your car and he climbed in the passenger seat. You got into the driver's seat and turned the heat on immediately, even the short walk from the elevator to your car chilled your bones. You turned on the radio and hummed along quietly to the music, trying not to bother Spencer, who was staring out the window, as he usually did when he was in a mood. 

He turned to you suddenly. "Hey, I know it's late, but do you want to get food or something? Before I leave?" 

You looked over at him. "Are you sure? I don't wanna make you-"

"I'm positive," he said, very matter a fact. "You're the reason I'm doing this, after all." 

"Spencer, come on. You're doing this for yourself too."

"You're half right." He looked grimly out the window again. "But  I probably wouldn't have looked for help without you."

"Don't say that," you said under your breath while you pulled into the parking lot of the small 24-hour diner around the corner of your apartment. 

The restaurant was lit from the inside, and the big neon sign out front illuminated the parking lot. You and Spencer walked inside, the little bell hanging on the door rang as it swung shut behind you. 

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," Spencer said. You shot him a look. "I promise I'm actually going to go," he added.

You nodded reluctantly. "I'll get us a table." 

You looked around, scouring the surprisingly packed diner for a table. You spotted one by the back of the restaurant and started towards it.  You were almost to the table when someone grabbed you by the arm.


You pulled your arm away instinctively, turning to face Julius. "Hey! I didn't see you there. How've you been?"

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