Chapter 1

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  They went down the bus with a thump. They were jokingly shoving each other on the way. The two of them tensed up when a voice shouted at them. "Hey!" The woman pointed at them. "No pushing!" She said. Korra and Kyoshi looked at each other. The other knew what they should do and bowed at the woman.

  "We apologize profusely." They said in unison. "Ms. Uh....." Korra added and trailed. "Lo. The name's Ms. Lo." She harshly replied. "Uh..right. We're sorry, Ms. Lo." Kyoshi continued. Lo scoffed. She looked at the children in front of her. "Go!" She ordered them. They both flinched and immediately ran away from her.

  They panted as they leaned on the wall on the side of the school. Kyoshi peeked to make sure the woman is gone. She was and she sighed. "That woman looks somewhere like in her 50s, but she's basically a school general." Korra joked. Kyoshi looked down at Korra. Not in a bad way, she wasn't thinking Korra was in poverty, she's just 6'5 and Korra is 5'11. She has no choice but to look down at her. "We should go inside." Kyoshi continued, "I don't want to be late right after we just got scolded." Korra agreed and nodded with her.

  They kneeled down to get their bags when a foot gently shoved Kyoshi on to the ground. Korra was ready to fight whoever that was when a hand also pushed her down. She looked up to see a girl, with a long wavy raven black hair and wearing makeup. Her face is smiling sorry at Korra. She seems to be wearing brown gloves which were pressed onto Korra's torso. Korra looked beside the girl and saw another girl, with a shorter hair than the other and has a topknot. A frown was installed in her face.

  "What are you two doing here?" She said with a rash voice. Korra looked over at Kyoshi, expecting her to answer something. And she didn't. When the two women at the ground were quiet, the topknot girl rose a brow. "Well?" Kyoshi gulped before she finally spoke a word. "W-we were just running away from Ms. Lo." She managed to stutter out of her mouth. The girl rolled her eyes. "Yeah. And we're supposed to believe that. Tell me, did your unrighteous Saonowo send you?" She asked. Kyoshi shaked her head furiously. The girl looked at her friend, waited for something before the friend nodded. The girl took away her foot and the other girl took away her hand. Kyoshi and Korra took their bag and stood up.

  "Who are you two anyway?" Korra bluntly asked. The girl cleared her throat. "My name is Rangi. Rangi Sei'Naka." Korra looked at the other girl. "Asami. Asami Sato." She said and held out her hand. Korra shaked it. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Asami continued, "What are your names?" Asami asked. "I'm Korra Kioke." Korra flashed the girl a crooked, lopsided grin. Rangi looked at Kyoshi. She then looked over at Korra. "Why is your friend quiet this whole time?" Rangi asked. Korra looked at Kyoshi who was, surprisingly, rubbing her left arm with her right hand and looking down. Korra nudged her friend. "Kyoshi. Hey. Hey. Hey. Kyoshi. Hey. Go introduce yourself." She annoyingly and repeatedly nudged Kyoshi. Kyoshi finally budged and had the courage to talk. "My name is Kyoshi Dao." She shyly held her hand out. Rangi looked at it for a few seconds before fiercely shaking it.

  "Why did you even push us like that? We barely know this school." Korra complained as she put her hands up. Rangi pinched the bridge of her nose. "You don't understand. The Saonowo clan has been terrorizing the other clans, especially Keohso. Even though us, the Sei'Naka clan are in the neutral clan, they're still picking on us." Korra put her index finger and thumb on her chin. "Okay, so, I'm confused, what's the Sawnawo, is it?" Korra scratched her head. "Saonowo." Rangi lowly growled. Before Rangi could explain, the bell rang, indicating they have 10 minutes left to go to their classes. Rangi looked at them before waving and walking away. Asami politely said goodbye at them and followed her friend. Korra waved at Asami and turned back to Kyoshi.

  She looked at Kyoshi and shook her head. "Tell me, sister." Korra continued. "Why did you not say anything? Do I really have to do the talking?" Kyoshi looked down, flustered. She started fiddling with her collar. "I-I was too out of breath to talk." Korra knew her long enough that she's lying. "Cut the garbage. I know you're lying. Tell me the truth." Korra waved her hand. Kyoshi bit her lip. "It's Rangi." She whispered. Korra was taken aback. "What about her?" She asked. Kyoshi blushed and put her head lower. It took a few seconds of collar fiddling and blushing to realize what happened. "Oh no. Don't tell me." Korra put her hand over her mouth. Kyoshi looked up at her with embarassment written all over her face. "Kyoshi no. You have a crush on her?!" Korra shouted. Kyoshi quickly put her palm over Korra's mouth. "Shut your mouth! N-no one can't find out!" She said. "So, you aren't denying it." Korra smirked. Kyoshi slowly nodded. Korra chuckled and put her arm around Kyoshi's shoulder, which she failed since she's too small for her. She just awkwardly put her hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, sis. Whether you're a lesbian, bi or an assassin, I still love you." Kyoshi sighed a relief. She bent down and hugged Korra. Her eyes gazed toward her watch and her eyes widened. She quickly broke the hug. "We're gonna be late!" She told Korra, panicking. Korra got ahold of Kyoshi's energy and started panicking too.

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