CHAPTER 1 - The Thing On The Run!♍

Start from the beginning

"Security breach in cell block 2. All attendants please evacuate to Bay 6. All security personnels report to cell block 2. This is not a drill, I repeat... this is not a drill!" came the voice.

The scientist continued on his very way, venturing further down the narrowed path. Just an hour ago, things had been under control. Neat and orderly. Standard running operations. And now, they were staring down the barrel of both a masquerade scenario and a potential XK-class end of the world scenario. A bonafide phase 6. An extinction level event.
He took a sharp sudden turn and found himself soon staring face to face a strong-hold mechanical door. It, the creature, had breached containment, compromise site security, and now it was out for revenge. What was happening here? How could everything have gone to hell in a hand basket so fast?! He brought out his keycard and proceeded in sliding it in the keycard entry system nearby, granting him access to the secret room.

A mere look would convey alone the very essence of the room whose capacity was large beyond guess. Lined along the roof were flouriscent bulbs beaming with great white lights and fixed into the walls in one side were a row of computer desks and flat screen panels, displaying a series of holographic screens that were being operated upon. Behind the operators of these, stood a dark skinned woman, dressed in black suit with its sleeves tucked to her elbow and black shoes to match. Her hair though black, short and straight, exuded boldness and confidence that fitted her personality perfectly. There, she stood, standing before a bank of video monitors, monitoring and directing their every course of action. This was the control room, Only now had it become a safe haven, an area that guaranteed everyone's safety as long as they stayed in their respective places and did their respective jobs. A choice between visible hope and an invisible promise between them and the thing out there. The thing on the run!

"What's going on?" he asked. "The alarm went up."

"It's non of your business, Stane. Go back to your station and remain in there like the others." the woman replied, her gaze focused heavily on the screen as she spoke. She'd refused to let the operators carry on without strict oversight, worrying otherwise anything such as a 'little mistake' could get them all killed. Confused voices filled the room, yelling over one another. They'd all been caught off guard that none of them paid attention to what had happened. Before they had time to put even the pieces together, the anomaly was out the door of it's containment chamber, striding its way slowly down the corridor. The scientist had tried to reply when out of nowhere, a sudden unexpected burst of seismic activity rocked the base and its entirety, startling everyone. The researcher spun around and on the monitor next to the door, he can see a feed of the hallway outside. Guards run down the hall of the secure facility as a red emergency light flashes.

"He's escaped, hasn't he?" he went on. "For goodness sake Ganymede, he's also human like the rest of us!"

"Human?!" surprised by this, she spun around, facing the man. "You call that 'thing' human? That thing out there, causing this much chaos? All these destruction?! Just because it walks on two legs, Stane, doesn't classify it as human. You've seen the stats yourself, you know what it can do. You know what it's capable off. You know well yourself the troubles we had getting it in here in the first place," she continued, her voice louder and more direct admist the loud severe thuds that occurred in the background, reverberating throughout the building, "this research was fully funded upon, now I don't expect you to understand. All the more reason why I can't let this one get way, believe me," she said, turning away from him to face the screen, "... Or else the board would have our heads, my head." she corrected, rubbing her neck slight in deep distress. The site-director now was boiling over with emotions - Rage, Confusion... This was ofcourse supposed to be a remote facility. One where anomalies of different classifications be it safe, leveled, or threat level anomalies are contained to be researched on but if this kept up, these containment breaches could easily bring the attention of public eye. The last thing any of them wanted.

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