-Twenty Two- Training

Start from the beginning

Some of the things Techno taught were interesting, though. Skeppy and Bad were especially focused on, them being new to this whole superhero thing. Techno helped Bad refine his knife-throwing skills. He worked with Skeppy to develop a better way for Skeppy to make crystal projectiles.

Skeppy enjoyed the classes quite a bit. He and Techno were fast friends, after the incident. It may have just been because they were both extremely chaotic people, and chaos always seems to call for more chaos.

It was a fairly fun time, learning how to fight. Skeppy and Bad became great partners, learning how to bounce off of each other's attacks and make great combo attacks.

They had a good time, at least.

Others? Not as lucky.


Wilbur hated every moment of the fighting class. Every. Single. Class.

It was all just a reminder that he wasn't powerful anymore. Literally.

There was such an adjustment to be made. He kept finding himself trying to use his power to do small things- to levitate a pen towards him or make himself faster. 

He learned to fight with a staff, much like Tubbo. And, as before stated, he hated it. He just wanted to be able to fight with his words again. He just wanted to be able to use his powers again.

Aph, Dan, and Ant worked their hardest on an antidote. They predicted it would be about a year or two before they could get something official. Something safe

A year or two. Too long. Far too long. Wilbur just wanted to be able to use his power again. One of his favorite activities, singing, just wasn't the same. He couldn't do it how he used to. It sounded fine to the others, according to them, but it was off for him.

After having powers for a good portion of his life, it was a shock to just be stripped of them so suddenly. He just wanted them back. Or he wanted to just stay in bed until he could get them back.

The classes had a general good effect. They gave him something to do, something to get out of bed for. They may have given him just that little bit of purpose, but it didn't mean he had to like them.

Techno went fairly easy on him, compared to the others. He sparred with Wilbur personally. It was rough, but Techno went easy on him. Wil could tell- He wasn't taken out in three seconds.

It was so weird to fight Techno. The pair had been teamed for so long, and they'd never really sparred. Usually, Wilbur just trained on his own or with Fundy (that wasn't an option anymore, was it?). 

God, he missed Fundy. Fundy had been his first trainee. It stung a lot more than he'd been letting on. Fundy was a good kid.

Wilbur missed him. He may have betrayed the group, but Wilbur missed

Wilbur just wanted to go back to sleep. Maybe he'd then wake up and this would all be a nightmare. Maybe he'd wake up on the floor at Tommy and Tubbo's apartment, after a night of fever and panic.

He just wanted those times back.


The Dream Team just kept moving along. Training was just another thing to add to their schedules.

Dream was the best at fighting, already. The time he'd spent doing crime was improved his fighting skills quite a bit.

George disliked close combat, but he really liked archery. It was relaxing to take a breath, pull back the arrow, and fire. It only went bad when the string hit his arm. That hurt like hell.

Sapnap was a heavy-handed fighter compared to the rest. He was quickly given an axe. Techno seemed to like his fighting style. He used his power super effectively too, although he was much more careful about the smoke from the fire.

(Finn complained about the smoke damage a bit. Techno may or may not have had to bribe him to get it cleaned after every session.)

Other than training, the Dream Team gathered items. They brought the things to make proper costumes, with armor hidden inside and whatnot. The hero costume designer, Shubble, was delighted to see them with all of the items. Usually, she was just repairing normal clothes that got ripped in combat.  She was all for getting to make new items for them.

Shubble handed out the items like Christmas presents. Sapnap got a collapsible axe with a flint firestarter in the blade. George got a bow with a laser sight and some goggles that could correct his colorblindness and stop his power from activating. Dream got a new sword and an easily collapsable mask.

Time passed by oddly quickly. Soon enough, they had one week left.

One week until they either lost or saved the city.

Honestly, no one was sure they could do it.




This took way too long to write considering it's just a time change chapter.

Hope you enjoyed! btw, I'm moving this over to Ao3 too! I'll finish it up here too, but I may continue writing on Ao3. The formatting's nicer. More details on this later, tho!


-Ace/Sunny (hahah changing my online name pog!)

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