~Chapter 6~

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You looked up and saw Jason

Y/n: Jason I missed you so much 

You hugged him

Y/n: Joe told me you were going to be here

Jason: You know Joe

Y/n: Yeah I saw him in North Carolina

Avani: Who's Joe?

Jason: My twin

Y/n: Remember in highschool we saw them but didn't really speak to him

Avani: Oh yeah I remember

Jason: Wait why are you here

Y/n: Payton invited me to tour

Jason: Payton is here too

Y/n: Yeah with Jackson

Jason: Oh Jackson

Y/n: You know him?

Jason: Yeah...

Y/n: Well see you tomorrow 

Jason left 

Avani: You do know he doesn't get along with Jackson and Payton

Y/n: Why?

Avani: I'm not sure...


Payton: I have someone here that wants to talk to you

Y/n: Who?

Payton: It's a surprise

Y/n: We should probably head back now

Avani: I was about to say the same thing

Y/n: Let's go

Avani: Anthony's coming to pick us up

Y/n: Oh then we wait

Avani: Wanna make a tik tok

Y/n: Sure

Avani:After ten tries @omgy/n

Anthony: Doing tik toks without me

You guys turned around and got in the car. You guys blasted music and finally got to the hotel. You got in and went to Payton's hotel room. His room was 405. You got there and saw...

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