~Chapter 4~

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You got in and saw Joe

Y/n: How did you know

Joe turned around

Joe: Me?

Y/n: Yes you how did you know Payton was inviting me to tour

Joe: He posted it on his tiktok

You got your phone and downloaded the app

Joe: Well Bye I have to go

Y/n: Bye

Joe left and you looked around the store and found a few shirts and jeans. You paid and left on an uber. You got to your apartment and started packing. You went on your computer and booked a hotel. Then you opened tiktok and made an account. You searched up Payton and his account was the first one. You clicked on the newest video. It was a transition of him buying three tickets.

That's weird he only had two

You scrolled through his old tiktoks in LA. You saw a few videos of your old friends.


You checked your phone and saw Payton texted you.

Payton: We're  going to stay there for a week

Y/n: Oh

You booked more days at the hotel and packed more clothes. You checked tik tok and saw Payton added you back. Then fan accounts added you.

That was fast

Skip to the day of the tour

I was at the plane waiting for Payton.

Payton: Hey Y/n I wanted to introduce you to someone

You turned around and saw Payton with a guy that was always in his tik toks

Y/n: Hi I'm Y/n

?: I'm Jackson

The plane to LA is now boarding

You guys got your stuff and got on the plane. You were in the seat behind Payton and Jackson. You sat down and looked out the window

Joe: Hey Y/n

You saw Joe sitting next to you

Y/n: Oh hi

Joe: You excited for the tour

Y/n: Yes, but I'm tired

You put your head on his shoulder
and went to sleep

Payton POV

I turned around to ask Y/n if she wanted snacks but she was sleeping on Joe's shoulder and Joe was sleeping too. I took a picture of them and posted it on my story @ them.


I woke up to notifications. I checked my phone and saw Payton mentioned me in his story and that a lot of people followed me. I checked his story and saw a picture of me and Joe. I looked out the window and saw we were already landing

Y/n: Joe wake up

Joe: No

Y/n: We're already here

Everyone started getting off the plane and you, Payton, Jackson, and Joe were the last ones out. You got out of the plane and were immediately greeted by...

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