Chapter one.

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«Ugh! This skirt is way to short! It looks like it was meant for a 4 year old!»
While you struggle with the way to short skirt and the tight butten wholes on you're shirt you hear someone knock on you're door.
«Come in!»
The door slowly opens and you see you're obasan(Aunt) standing there. She looks like she had not slept at all that night. Her hair was unbrushed and looked like it had not been washed in several weeks. The bags under her eyes was bigger then usual.
« Obasan? Are you ok? You look like you can barley stand»
«Yeah yeah, i am ok..»
« Are you sure??»
I coul'd tell there was something wrong because i could slowly see her eyes filling up with tears as i talked to her»
« I told you i am ok.. you want breakfast?»
« I don't have time, i am already late out for my first school day.»
«But you have to eat Y/n, or you wil starve»
«Fine, i'll grab an Apple on my way out then»
I had just finished putting on my socks and i grabbed my backpack and ran out of the door!
« Have a great first day Y/n chan! Sayōnara!»
«Sayōnara obasan!»
I was really late out, but lucky there was only a 10 minuit walk if i was slow and about 5 if i were fast.
(One, two, one. Ah!
Appudaun wa Yo no tsune Kuzu hiitatte doujinai) *Kakegurui intro*
«Oh my phone is ringing»
It was my best friend from my last school, Ichika!
Ichika: Hii!
Y/n: Omg! Hii! I missed you so much!
Ichika: i missed you too!
Y/n: How are you?
Ichika: I am ok, but as said i really really really miss you so much!
Y/n: aww yeah me too.
Ichika: but what about you? How are you?
Y/n: i am great, but i am not too sure about obasan»
Ichika: you mean Iri?
Y/n: yes Iri. I think Ojisan(uncle) is home again.
Ichika: oh no! What are you gonna do about it?
Y/n: i do not know, i have tried to tell someone before but you remember what happend??
Ichika: ofc i do. How can i ever forget that?
Y/n: well..annyways, i am about to head intoo the new school now.
Ichika: Already?
Y/n: yes already. Ok i miss you so much! Take care!
Ichika: You too Y/n-chan! Sayōnara!
Y/n: Sayōnara Ichika.
"Beep Beep Beep"
Well.... Hyakkaou here i come.

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