In big trouble

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«Whoa oh oh! You guys got yourselves into big trouble now didn't you!?» Runa says as me and Midari walks into the school presidents office. She wasn't there yet, but a girl with long blonde hair and a lowkey freaky mask escorted us inn there.

Midari was definitely pleased about the situation and what had just happened and I know I should feel ashamed for making out hard core with the school perv, but I just couldn't stop smiling when I taught about the look on Mary's face.

She was just standing there, eyes wide open and her jaw literally dropping to the floor. Yumeko looked confused as always, but it looked like she was kinda showing us support or something I don't really know, she's... hard to figure out.

In the office there was a big desk standing in the middle of the room, that's where we were sitting. Me and Midari had each our red own uncomfortable plastic chair. They were placed only centimeters apart so Midari just got comfortable placing her hand on my left tight. It didn't really bother me at this point so I didn't do anything about it.

«Yeah okay lovebirds get a room geez. The president will be here soon» Runa said.
Speaking of, here she was.
Walking into the room with such a confidence was this tall absolutely stunning goddess of a woman. Her soft blonde hair was braided and tided with a black silk ribbon into two oval shaped braids. Her eyes were icy blue and so was her lips.. and I haven't even gotten started on the body.. she must be a model or something.

You could tell Runa had a thing for her when her cheeks got all red and her voice got tiny when she saw her. The president stepped into the office. She snapped her hand and both the girl with the mask and Runa left the room.
«Good luck y/n» Runa whispered before closing the door running down the hallway.

The school president walked slowly behind us and up to the other side of the big desk without saying a word. When she got to the other side she looked at Midari.
«Midari» she nodded in her direction. Before turning her face to me.
«Ah, the new girl.. fist of all welcome, it's a pleasure to have you here at our school. My name is Kirari, Kirari Momobami» She said politely. «pleasure to meet you too miss president» I said realizing that "miss president" sounded pretty stupid. I did think it was kinda strange for her to introduce herself with her whole name though. «Sit down please»
We did as she said.

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