Opening up

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«You guys can leave now» Kirari said standing up.
An hour had passed while me and Midari was at the presidents office. We got out of the room and the door slammed behind us as we walked out literally laughing our asses of thinking about what the hell we actually did and about everyone's faces and reactions. Everyone still had classes so it was just me and Midari alone in the hallway. For once sake we were actually having a great time and laughing tighether until..
«Hey, I know you only did that to get back at Mary, but honestly I'm okay with it, I enjoyed every single moment of it» Midari winks at me.
I just stop and get quiet for a moment..
«And honestly.. Mary is a dick so I totally understand why you did it» She adds.
I start laughing again at the accuracy.
«You know Midari.. You're not as bad as everyone says. When I think about it you are probably even the funniest I've met so far at this school»
She smiles while just looking down at her feet.
«That's... really kind... No one has ever said something nice to me before...» She said and looks me in the eyes.
«oh..» I say not knowing what else to say..

I feel sorry for her, but before I know we're standing outside the door to my classroom..
«Anyways, enjoy class sexy, hope to see you again soon» Midari says licking her lips looking me up and down.
Aaand she's back...
*Sight* «Bye Midari» I say walking into the classroom..

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