The pervert in the bathroom.

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After seeing Yumeko kiss Mary you feel sad and empty. You have only known her for a short time but.. that time felt so long and you kinda started to get feelings for her..
You told Runa, Yumeko and Mary that you had to do something inportant, but really you just runned to the bathroom tryna help yourself from tearing up.
"Why am i so sad because of her.. we literally just met" you think to yourself as you get to the bathroom.

You lock yourself intoo one of the bathroom stalls. You burry your head in your knees.
Was that moans!? You try to ignore them untill all suddenly..

You almost jump when you hear your name. You get lowkey mad, but you decide to leave it and you get out of the stall to wash your hands.
You was your hands and try to vipe off the outwashed mascara under your eyes. When you take out some paper to dry your hands you hear a "Click" from one of the doors getting opened.. Out walks a tall girl with black medium lenght hair tied up with a purple headband. She has an eyepatch over her left eye. Her lips is a soft shade of purple and she isen't wearing a red jacket like everyone else. And wait... SHE IS HOLDING A GUN!? She looks sweat.. like she has been running a maraton or maybe... she was the one Who.. Ehh..-

As she walks out she looks surprised to see you. She looks you up and down until her eyes stops at one point of your body.. your ass under the way to short skirt. She licks her lips and her eyes is wide open so It's easy for you to tell that she's staring at you.
«Ehm.. Excuse me, Who the hell are you to think It's ok to look at my private parts» you turn around saying agressivly.
She looks you slowly intoo the eyes and starts grinning.
«You're new right?» She asks.
«I am. Why?» You ask.
«I could tell on the skirt» she says winking at you biting her lip looking at your ass again.
You pull your skirt down trying to cover your lower parts from her.
«You never anseverd my question tho.. Who are you?» you ask getting angrier.
«Midari Ikishima» she said shaking your hand.
"Midari Ikishima" you think to yourself. Isen't that the girl Runa warned you about.. The pervert Who gives out way to short uniform skirts to the new girl students just so she can see their ass and jerk of to it.. That must be her...
«So.. well.. how- How long have you been in this bathroom» she asks looking a bit nervous and blushy.
«Well.. atleast i came in before you jerked of to my name you fucking pervert! You yell and you feel the anger growing inside of you.
«Well.. uhm.. that-.. that wasen't me!» she sais.
«Oh my god! I don't need your fucking explanation ok!? Just.. stay far away from me, you disgust me!» you say walking fast out of the bathroom.
Midari is standing speachless left in the bathroom just staring at you leaving.

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