An action based on jealousy

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Of course I ended up in the empty backseat of the car while Yumeko and Mary sitting in the front singing along with the songs on the radio. They were laughing together and looked like they had a lot of fun together, and every time I asked what was funny Yumeko started to explain but was interrupted by Mary saying "no it's nothing" totally pushing me out of the conversation..
Honestly Mary made me so so pissed sometimes I just wanted to scream so loud. I could tell she was doing it on purpose because she would always give me this ugly stared in the mirror in the car..

When we arrived at the school Yumeko informed me that Mary had an important meeting with some people today so she could not join us for school today. I was happy about that, I could go a day with Yumeko without having to worry about Mary all day.
Me and Yumeko were about to leave the car as Nary pulled Yumeko in for a long passionate kiss, biting her lip right in front of me!
I caught myself staring probably boiling over with jealousy. I snapped out of it, I wouldn't let Mary ruin the day so I jumped out of the car.. Yumeko did the same, she waved goodbye at Mary who returned the wave. I was just about to go when Mary pulled me into her by my shirts sleeve. With her mouth up to my ear she whispered to me..
"I know you are jealous, it's not really that hard to tell" she whispered before letting me go grinning at me.

"I-... I'm not jealous!!" I yelled..
I was in pure frustration and anger. I looked at Yumeko who looked hella confused of my sudden rage. My jealousy took totally overhand over my actions as I spotted Midari at the other side of the schoolyard staring dirty at me as always..
I ran over to her grabbing her by the waist kissing her hard.. she seemed to enjoy it a lot as she pushed me up against the wall and it went from 0 to 100 real quick as our tongues started wrestling each other, we were folding hands and she all of the sudden pushed tongue up my throat leading me to silently moaning in her mouth and my teeth's reaching her her bottom lip to give her a last bite before letting go.

"Shit.. what did I just do.."

"At! You two! To my office right now for inappropriate behavior!" I heard a girls voice yelling behind us..

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