Chapter 15: "An old friend."

Start from the beginning

I check the time and it's already 3pm we'd spent most of the day watching crappy movies, as an excuse to cuddle and secretly steal glances at one another. I always caught her looking and vice versa, it's like we always feel each other looking.

"As much as I love cuddling with you, these movies are getting boring and I am not watching the minions movie." She says the last part seriously, making me chuckle.

"Lemme see what else we got." I tell her, untangling our limbs and instantly missing the heat that emitted from the girls body. I walk over the the cupboard and pull out some games and books.

As I search through the shelves, I pull out a familiar box titled 'Sam takes a walk' I smile to myself as I trace the box, a warm feeling in my chest and I remember the good times playing this game with my family.

"Watcha got there?" Izzie asks over my shoulder, as I open the box and the feeling of nostalgia takes me back.

"Uh, it's this old game my mom and dad made for me and Sam, mainly Sam since he hated all the other games we have." Another smile finds its way on my face, Izzie sees this and starts taking out the contents with me.

I hadn't played it in years but I reluctantly agree since I don't really remember much about the game. Of course there's a rules book and little characters, and a customised board with playing cards that had specific questions that accustomed their family. Elsa was extra like that.

"I remember dad always ended up playing as the neighbours dog, biscuit." I chuckle as I pick up the little figure, Izzie had taken the question cards and began reading them out loud. She sifted through them till one perked her interest.

"You hurt Casey's feelings, and now she's sad." She jutted her bottom lip and whispered 'aw' as she continued reading the card "what can you do to cheer her up?" She smiled and I laugh softly, she appeared to be thinking about it.

"No cheating." I grab the card before she turns it over, she scoffs as she placed a hand over her chest. "So what do u think?"

"Well I can think of a couple of ways I could cheer you up..." she bit her lower lip seductively, and my breathing temporarily stopped. "But I'm pretty sure my answer won't be in your family board game." She ran her tongue over her teeth, I felt my pulse crashing in my veins. Izzie seemed to pick up on it since she giggled beautifully. My god. At least she's aware of the affect she has on me.

Just as I was about to say something there's a knock on the door.

Confused I walk over to the door, nobody really knows about us being here. Besides our folks of course, but I still wondered who it could be.

As I open the door, I'm met with a familiar set of green eyes.

"Lauren!" I exclaim, as I wrap my arms around the girl tightly. She chuckles and hugs me back just as tight if not more.

"Hey Case, you didn't tell me you where coming down here?" She asks, and I feel a little guilty instantly. Lauren has been my close friend since elementary, and although she moved to a different part of town. We still kept in touch, also she and her family come down to the lake house every weekend. Which I had totally forgotten, probably because of my beautiful girlfriend.

"Sorry, I completely forgot." I apologise, and she has a sweet smile on her lips. "How did you know I was here?"

"You're cool Case, I uh... Saw you yesterday, but you seemed busy." She laughed awkwardly, and seemed a little off.

"Oh yeah, sorry I was with my-" it was then, that I realised I hadn't really told her about my sexuality. And for some reason I felt nervous, she looked at me intently. And I forced myself to be honest, Izzie didn't deserve to be kept a secret. And our relationship was nothing to be ashamed of, in fact it's the most beautiful thing in the world. "My girlfriend." I finish with a proud smile, she seemed shocked. Her mouth opened slightly, but no words came out. Just as she was going to say something Izzie came round the corner.

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