Chapter 21: "White lies."

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Sorry for the lack of updates my exams are coming up so I've been studying like crazy. Ty for your patience yall r some dope ass people😘

Casey's POV

"Another lap girls, come on speed it up!" Coach Crowley yelled at the team. It had been especially rough during practices lately, although I did not mind the distraction.

The pounding of my heart crashed against my rib cage as I floored the track, unconsciously trying to surpass Izzie who was running a few lanes away from me.

From the corner of my eye, I caught her eyebrow raise in challenge as she increased her speed, and felt my blood rush faster through my veins at the subtle challenge. I picked up my speed, feeling the wind brush against my face is the best feeling ever. I noticed that Izzie had a significant amount of distance from me, and feeling that competitive side come out of me I willed myself to go faster. Izzie is really fast, but I'm faster.

I saw the finish line coming up, and using the last bit of strength I had left, I pushed myself full steams ahead and exhausted my body fully. I stuck my tongue out playfully as I passed Izzie, and crossed the finish line victoriously. I decided to rub my victory in a little, and created an infamous Mo Farah 'm' shape with my arms, as I watched my teammates chuckle at my childishness.

Izzie rolled her eyes playfully, and pushed my arms down, and I allowed her since my gloating was over anyways.

"You totally ate my dust back there." I joked as Izzie walked over to me.

"Watch it Newton." Izzie warned as she caught her breath, I snickered and we both rejoined the rest when Coach called.

"Right great effort today ladies, Casey can I speak to you privately." Coach asked, and I nodded.

"Sure." I answered, and shared a confused glance with Izzie. She looked at me with a "what's that about?" To which I replied with a look that said "how am I supposed to know?" She huffed, and looked back to coach who dismissed us straight after.

"Okay ladies go get changed, except for you Casey."

Izzie turned and kissed my cheek in her departure, a simple action that left behind a red tint to my skin.

Coach Crowley had a little smirk as I walked over to her, it unsettled my slightly but I just wanted to get whatever she wanted to talk about out of the way.

I was grateful she did not mention the kiss, and just talked to me like nothing happened.

"These next games are going to be really important for scouters, and I know I've already mentioned this to the other girls but I really only meant it for you. You are by far the best on the team, and I don't doubt that any college would be lucky to have you." Coach Crowley said with a warm smile, but it made me feel kinda crappy that she was lifting only me up only to disregard not only the rest of the team, but Izzie, who is just a good if not better runner than me.

"Thanks Coach." I smiled out of politeness, and she nodded, as I thought she was finished I was about to leave but she spoke up once more.

"I think we should do what's best for the team, don't you?" Coach asked me, and I frowned in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused as to what she could mean by that.

"Casey, how would you like to be the new captain of the track team?" Crowley asked me and my eyes widened, I couldn't do that to Izzie. That was the first thought that ran through my head.

"I-I- Can't do that to Izzie..." I struggled to get out my words in shock, Izzie was an amazing captain.

"Listen, I get it, you've got a little summer lovin going on. But look at the bigger picture Casey, you have a bright future ahead of you and letting a silly high school crush get in the way of your full potential is foolish." Crowley tried to sway me, and I felt contradicting feelings flood through my head. "It would look a whole lot better to scholars having track captain under your belt." She added, and I gulped, feeling all of a sudden quite anxious. "Just think about it, alright." Coach asked me, and clapped my arm before walking off. Leaving me to my own guilty thoughts.

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