Chapter 25: "New life, new grind."

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Sorry for inactivity :/

Also: Don't worry guys, Cazzie isn't dead completely, we are in the trenches fr but there will be a light at the end of the tunnel you just have to be patient these few chapters

Izzie's POV

A few weeks had passed, and Casey had stopped trying to contact me. I don't know why, but this instilled a sick feeling in my gut. I know I should be thrilled, since I was the one to tell her to leave me alone, and now she wasn't showing up at my door, or calling at all, or even sending drunk texts that told me she missed me. I never had replied to them, or answered her calls, or even the door... but I had secretly liked having her in my life somehow, in a fucked up way.

I popped an aspirin in my mouth, since I still had a headache from hell, as I searched for a water bottle anywhere, the only thing that I could find was a suspicious looking cup that I hadn't moved. Well guess I'm dry swallowing. I regretted that as soon as the pill scratched its way down my throat. Groaning, I got up and ran to the bathroom, disgustedly I ran the tap over my mouth. Bathroom water, ew. It helped the medicine go down, so I couldn't complain. After brushing my teeth, and rinsing some water on my face, I changed into some casual leggings and a cropped athletic jacket over my sports bra. Before I tiptoed downstairs as to not wake my mom. Or her boyfriend. They had become a more permanent force in the house, and it irked me when Mr Ellis would play with Tobias or Ana.

Much to my displeasure, as I entered the kitchen, he was at the stove helping himself to our food. I wanted to sneak out of the house before he could see me, but I must've made a sound because he shot around with a grin.

"Izzie! Come, breakfast is nearly ready." Tom said in a chirpy tone, though I shook my head.

"I'm gonna run." I told him, and he looked at me with a tilted head.

"You need to eat if you're going to run, I know these things, so trust me." He said, as he lifted an egg from the pan he was cooking with, and placed it on a plate with toast. I guess I was kind of hungry, I wouldn't tell him that though.

"Fine." I took a seat at the counter, and he nodded with a smile, it was a little awkward at first. I was thankful he moved back to the stove, to carry on making food for the others I guess. When I thought about it, my moms other exes haven't bothered cooking food for her family. That didn't get him on my good side though, I wouldn't be stupid and trust him so easily.

"I know you don't like me Izzie, after all I could tell you didn't want to change schools... but I hope you realise you mother only wanted the best for you." He said, and my frosty exterior shot right back up.

"I'm gonna go now." I left the half eaten food, and slipped on my sneakers, before he could respond I was out the door.

I pulled my hair up into a ponytail, and began my morning jog. My tried and true method of blocking out the world, as the wind hit against my face, all my problems evaporated. I decided to do a couple laps around the block, when I became bored of the same street corners, I ran up a street I didn't recognise, but at this point I wasn't bothered about it, and just kept running.

I only looked up just as I collided with something, or someone, I noticed when my hand came into contact with an arm, and I heard a very audible groan from beneath me, as I picked myself up, using the arms that had landed on either side of this person.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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