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'So Yoongi, its almost Thanksgiving and you get to go back home to your family! Are you excited?' Yoona exclaimed.

'Apple, can I not go back to them for the holidays. Its just Thanksgiving and by the way I'm not really thankful about anything that's happening in my life can't I stay here?'

'Why not?' Yoona questioned with curious eyes.

'Can you tell me something good that happened in last few days? Can you?'

'I mean the fact that you have your parents who care about you so much that they are trying everything to help you recover, don't you think that's something you should be thankful of? I mean my dad died when I was 4 and mom married another guy but she died when I was 11. My step-dad raised me for the next 9 years but died as well. They three were the best people and only people I had in my life. Now I have no one.'

She said looking at the door while Yoongi looked at her sadly.

'So, I hope you realise that the people you now have around are the best people. There is no one like your Mom or Dad. But in my case I got a little lucky to find another father-figure.'

'So, who do you spend your holidays with?' Yoongi asked while sitting straight.

Yoona shook her head. 'No one. I spend them alone. I mean I do have friends but they would like to spend time with their parents during the holidays, not with a loner like me.'

'Then let's do one thing. Let's celebrate Thanksgiving together. You and me.' Yoongi said happily.

'Are you sure? I mean, what about your paren-'

'They can spend one Thanksgiving without me.' He said with a big smile on his face.

Yoona felt both exhilarated and uneasy because after so many years she'll have someone at her home during the holidays and uneasy because she is separating a family during the holidays, but she knew Yoongi wouldn't listen to her but she had a plan cooking in her head.

'Sure. It's done then.'

Thanksgiving day

'Welcome to my humble accommodation. Make yourself at home, Sir.' Yoona said in deep voice. Both of them started to giggle. They got in the warm room hanged their coats. Yoona went in her kitchen while Yoongi explored her subtle yet delicate apartment.

'Cosy home you got here.' Yoongi said while entering the kitchen. 'Thank you my humble sir.' she said.

'Umm, do you even make food for 2 people or a fucking feast.' he said in disbelief seeing all the food infront of him.

'Whatever you want to think.' She said smiling at him and quickly looking back to her stove with her hot chocolate and already the aromatic smell of a crispy turkey in the oven.

'Why did you choose me?' He said looking at her. 'Please be more specific.' She said while taking all the greek yogurt from the container in a bowl with carrots and celery.

'I mean out of all people you chose me to come over to your house and celebrate Thanksgiving. There were so many other people out there. Why did you chose a helpless person in a mental hospital like me.'

'I don't know. I just found a spark I don't find in a alot of people and besides I told you, you are my favorite patient.' She said smiling at him and turning to the sink to wash her hands.

'Is that what I am to you? A mere patient? Will you stop talking to me when I get better, Apple?'

'Never in my life I will nor can do that to you Yoongs.'

The Psychiatrist // BTS M.Y.G. [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now