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The female very slowly went inside the room and found her beloved patient sleeping like a baby. Very quietly she tiptoed her way toward the mattress. She was being quiet as she can, not wanting to wake him up. She had good news for him and a special something. She parted the hair out of his face so that she can see him properly. She then dropped the box which was in her hand, making her crush her eyebrows. She came back up to see him already awoken and staring at her.

She raised an eyebrow and said, ' Whatchu looking at?'

'You,' He said in a voice that was absolutely ear-splitting.

'Aren't we bold today.' she said, while he was sitting up.

'I went to go ring shopping and I bought you something.' She showed him the box and signaling to take it. He took it and looked at it with a blank look.

'Did you go with him?' He asked with no expression on his face.

'Umm, we did go ring shopping so yea...' She said while slightly sliding her legs due to nervousness.

'So, when do you plan on telling them or are you going to marry him? Did you decide yet?' He said, finally looking at you with a rather angry look.

With the intention of cooling him down, she tried to hold his hand, but he broke the contact with her hand, demanding an answer.

' So, who do you choose?' She had no answer. She doesn't know what to do.

'You know these gifts won't make me forget that the love of my life is going to get married to someone else. Every girl I like ends up marrying someone else. What's wrong with me? Do I look bad? Am I not tall enough? I- What's wrong with me?' He said rapidly while looking.

'Do you even love me?' He asked, still with his head down.

The female then hugged the despondent male with all the affection she has to offer.

'I do.' She said while rubbing his back.

'I understand why you would think that and it's perfectly normal but you know its hard for me right?'

'Oh and by the way I came here to tell you that tomorrow is your discharge date and I already called Ms. Min, she'll come to pick you up.'

'Will you still visit me?' He asked with lost eyes.

'Is that even a question? Of course. I am yet to show you my cooking skill. We'll hang out at my place if you want.'

They both smiled.

~ a Few Days Later~

'My dad always brought me here and my older brother here.'

'Oh, you have an older brother?'

'Have I not mentioned him, Apple?'

She shook her head.

' He's 2 years older than me. He's lives in Ansan with his wife and twins.'

'Oh wow!'

'Ooo look it's the ice cream shop I would always go to.'

The male dragged the female into the shop with no realization of what or who was watching them.

'What flavor do want, wait let me guess uhh chocolate with chocolate syrup and whipped cream. Am I right?' asked the female.

Yoongi dramatically sighed and put his hand on his mouth. 'You forgot the sprinkles!!!'

The couple giggled with worries about the world who thought what about them.

Someone clicked a picture and send it to someone whose heart would break to a million pieces just looking at the picture of his beloved, putting her head on another man's shoulder.

'I thought she liked you but here I see another picture.'

The Psychiatrist // BTS M.Y.G. [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now