Chapter 10

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I walk back to the mansion, wondering what Slender's doing, if he's still following me, or Sans.

I push open the door and notice Sally and Lazari both seem more excited than usual. Lazari jumps on me,

"Have you got any more Spaghetti?!"

I push her off with a "No." So she huffs and walks back to Sally. Sally on the other hand starts to chat when she sees me.

"Hey EJ! Slendy's back. He brought someone too! They're down in the dungeons. I wonder what their doing, do you think they'll join us? It would be nice if someone new joined!"

A thought crosses my mind.

"Sally, did you see the person at all. Or what they were wearing maybe?"

Lazari seems to think for a second.

"I think they were wearing a blue hoody? I didn't get to see much."

I sprint off, jumping down the stairs and bursting through the doors to the dungeon. There i startle Slenderman, he's got Sans locked in chains. One of his tentacles was pushing back his hood.

"What are you doing here EJ."

In an unusal burst of anger, i shoot back, "I didn't tell you to kidnap him!"

My attention is caught by the hood slowly slipping back, revealing Sans' white skull......

with a large crack covering half of it.

As we take in the sight, Sans' eyes illuminate. One of his sockets, the one closest to the hole, glowing a full red in anger.


I notice that Slenderman stumbles, like he feels something that i don't. He also looks shocked and quite interested.

-Papyrus' POV-

I set out of the door. My worry for Sans spurring me on. He told me that he would be right back. Yet he had been gone for hours. Tucked under my arm is a box of spaghetti. He might need something to eat, or i might be able to help him with it. I halt when i feel something, a rush of magic, strong magic... Sans' magic pulses through the forrest, rustling the leaves, there's an air of... danger to the pulse. My soul pulses back, gently though. Sans is in danger. I have to help him. I break into a sprint as i head towards the source of the magic.

I push past trees, annother pulse rushes through the forest. I hear a crack and a branch falls to the ground, narrowly missing my head. I growl, a noise that seems alien, unnatural coming from my mouth. The magic pulses again; anger, hatred, betrayal, hunger.
I'm close, i know that now. His soul seems so close, i can feel it. Finally i come across a house. It's large, much like the palace back in the Underground. I march over and throw open the doors. Inside multiple humans turn to stare down the hall at me. I ignore them and follow the trail of magic; raw, uncontrollable power that I've long since associated with my brother's magic.

I charge down the stairs, gaining speed, enough to break down the door that stands at the bottom. Inside said room, i see EJ and another monster, and behind them


I'm sorry for the late update, I've been very busy lately. I'm going to try my best to upload a few more chapters ASAP!

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