Chapter 3

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We start walking and before i know it we are at a house. It's big and it seems to be old and abandoned. The man opens and door and as he does so his hood falls off. Revealing a bright white skull, glistening in the warm air emanating from the house.
The skeleton introduces himself as Sans, or Horror. I decide to call him Sans for ease. When i step inside i see a normal house, he brings you through the hallway to the dining room. Inside i see a goat-like creature and another skeleton. Both quite a bit taller than Sans.

"Pap! I'm back. I also found someone who would love your spaghetti!"

I hear a laugh come from the kitchen
I try to shake my head at Sans, I can't eat spaghetti, it would make me sick.
He grabs my arm in his bony hand and drags me to the table, sitting me down. After a while, 'Paps' comes through with a large bowl of spaghetti that he dishes out to himself, the goat-lady and me. He starts to eat as does the goat-lady, who Sans introduces as Toriel. When I look over to him, he's taken the bags of marshmallows from the campsite and is slowly eating them.

When he notices that I haven't started the spaghetti he growls under his breath

"Eat or starve kid."

Before I can explain that I'm not hungry my belly rumbles loudly. I blush slightly under my mask in embarrassment. I slide up my mask to uncover my mouth and lift a fork-full of spaghetti to my mouth. I realise that everyone is watching me in anticipation. I shove the spaghetti in my mouth, bracing myself for the inevitable sickness that always comes from eating normal food. Instead the spaghetti tasted amazing, even better than kidneys, and I didn't throw up from eating it. As I shovelled another fork-full in my mouth, to the happiness of 'Paps', I start to wonder why it isn't making me sick. Is there something special in the way it's made? Maybe it just looks like spaghetti but it's something different. Before I know it, my plate is empty. I'm surprised to feel a pang of sadness, it's short-lived,

"Human! Do you like the spaghetti that I, the Great Papyrus made? Nyeh heh heh?"

I answer quickly and truthfully,

"It was wonderful! The best meal I've ever had! In fact, could I bother you for some more?"

Papyrus seems overjoyed at this, happily serving me another plate-full of spaghetti. I tuck in, but I don't overlook the curious and relieved look on Sans' face. Once I finish a few more servings, I have to leave. 

Papyrus, gives me a tub of more spaghetti in case I got hungry. I laugh at this, but still thank him again. I would definitely eat the spaghetti before I came back.

This thought stops me, come back? 

Am I thinking of coming back? The answer hits me in the face immediately. Of course! Papyrus and Sans are nice, even the Goat-woman (I haven't gotten her name yet) seemed kind. And I wouldn't miss the chance to eat Papyrus' spaghetti for anything. Just thinking about it makes me drool under my mask. 

Sans brings me back to the campsite. 

" Um, thanks kid. For eating Paps' spaghetti I mean. Not many people choose to try it, Bye"

Then he walks off, leaving me alone. But not a second too soon, Jeff and Toby both notice me and walk over. They haul me back to the mansion. Once I get there, I place the bag of spaghetti in the fridge to keep before heading over to Slenderman's office to explain where I was.

Without giving my new friends away of course.

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