Chapter 6

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More Spaghetti Drama

Comment if you ship EJ x Paps' Spaghetti

----EJ POV----

I stand outside the door. I don't know how I'll be able to keep the spaghetti  for tomorrow. I take a deep breath. I just need to hope, use my lucky side to hope that nobody will see me or the spaghetti. I open the door to the mansion, slowly peeking in. There is nobody in sight. I breath out deeply. I close the door behind me. Keeping my eyes on the currently empty hallway. Once the door is closed, I start to creep onwards when,

"What do you think your doing?"

I spin quickly, seeing BEN leaning against the wall watching me. I tuck my spaghetti box closer to my chest, hoping that he doesn't notice. BEN doesn't seem to see it.

"Wanna play some games? I'm bored."

I take a deep breath,

"No BEN, sorry. I can't at the moment, I've got.. stuff to do."

BEN looks at me, he seems to be weighing up his options. Then a cruel smile comes across his face. 

"If you won't play with me because of that. Then..... HEY GUYS! LOOK EJ'S GOT SOME SPAGHETTI!"

My eyes widen in shock as he shouts this. He doesn't know what this spaghetti means to me. He doesn't know how much it matters to me. I wrap my arms tighter around it as I hear some footsteps coming down the stairs. She looks wary. I just have to convince her that it isn't Papyrus' spaghetti, it's just normal spaghetti. 

"Hey, sorry Laz. Just a false alarm. He seems to think that this container has the nice spaghetti in. I was just getting some normal spaghetti for the others."

BEN raised and eyebrow at this. I laughed uneasily. The one thing I was begging for was for her to not-

"Then open the container, and let me smell it."

I froze at this. If I open it, she will know. She will try to take MY SPAGHETTI AWAY FROM ME. I will never let her touch it will-fully. I pull back as she tries to touch it. 

"NEVER!" I hiss.

This seems to be enough proof for her. She lunges at me and my spaghetti. I jump back, I realise too late that the lid has come loose. It slide off, falling to the floor in a clatter. The scent filling the corridor and soon the whole mansion. Laz smiles as she starts to morph into her 'hunger' form. Her sclera turning red as her skin darkens. She lunges at me with her newly formed claws, aiming to get me to drop the spaghetti, I lift it as high into the air as I can. 

I realise that the only way that I will get out of this situation is if the spaghetti is gone. I quickly race into the kitchen to grab a fork. I push Jeff behind me whilst I do so. I hear him behind me, swearing loudly as Lazi tries to climb over him with her sharp claws. I reach the cutlery and pull out two forks. I've made my choice. 

"The spaghetti.... must......beshared." 

I cry internally as I say this. As much as I wish to have my spaghetti all to myself, i can't keep running away from angry Zalgo-spawn. I give her a fork and share the spaghetti between us. The smell fills the room again and I feel the aching hunger setting in. I pull off my mask and start to shovel down as much spaghetti as I can, in one go. I glance up at Lazari for a second and see her doing the same, she's fully turned demon-form now. Chomping down as much as she can. When we've finished the spaghetti we look at eachother. We have formed a bond, through spaghetti. 

I have to remember to thank Papyrus when I go see him some time.

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