Itawon pt 2

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The car dropped the two off in front of a club where people were lined up outside. The building was really pretty with neon looking lights and the music could be heard from outside. [y/n] didn't think a place like this would be Namjoon's style, but nevertheless they were here. Namjoon stepped outside the car first and opened her door for [y/n], helping her out onto the sidewalk. The driver drove away after they were out, [y/n] assumed Namjoon already paid, then Namjoon lead the female straight to the door walking past the crowd of people waiting. The bouncer apparently knew Namjoon or something because she let them both in easily.

The floor was already packed but there were some stairs which led upstairs, [y/n] assumed that's where they were going. At this point Namjoon was basically holding [y/n's] hand leading her upstairs, and honestly the girl didn't mind and just went with it. Upstairs had a few booths around and a perfect view over the whole downstairs. [y/n] and Namjoon sat down at one of the tables once they were upstairs. "So where's the guy?" [y/n] asked, she didn't really have to whisper being that the music was doing a good enough job of covering her voice. "He's somewhere here, but you can't let him see you understand? You'll just be keeping a look out." Namjoon said. [y/n] nodded.

Soon Namjoon's phone started ringing. He picked it up then looked at [y/n] giving her a nod. So that means the guys ready, the girl thought to herself. Namjoon got up and walked into a door which was in the corner of the upstairs, that's where the two men would be meeting. [y/n] sunk down in her sit a bit and sighed. Even though she's been trained for this, waiting for things would never not be boring plus the girl was at her first nightclub and she had to do mafia business. Someone was coming up the stairs and [y/n] quickly sat up, ready for anything.

It was a young man who looked to be about 20ish, he was actually quite handsome. He looked around then looked at [y/n] with a smirk, that smirk made the girl get shivers down her spine. Nope not today, she had to pay attention to this mission despite how it was extremely boring. [y/n] looked away to show the guy she wasn't interested but the young man came over anyways. [y/n] sighed then looked back at the man who was approaching her. "Can I help you?" The girl asked. "Actually you can miss, let me buy you a drink." The male said, still with a smirk on his face. His voice was very smooth and attractive.

"Did every other girl you ask say no?" "You're actually the only one I asked." He said rubbing the back of his neck. Damnit why is he actually cute, [y/n] thought, only to shake those thoughts away. "So you just came up here to ask to buy me a drink?" [y/n] asked, now crossing her legs. "This is embarrassing but I've never been to a club was crowded downstairs and I got a bit overwhelmed." He said timidly. [y/n] raised her brow, funny how his demeanor changed so quick, but he was quite endearing. It wasn't like she was doing anything here anyways and one drink wouldn't hurt, plus if something happened Namjoon is well equipped to take care of himself.

[y/n] stood up then looked at the young man. "Well drinks won't buy themselves." The girl said with a small smile. The male lite up then offered [y/n] a hand, which she took, then they both went downstairs. At the bar he brought himself and [y/n] a drink, they talked a bit then danced. It was actually really fun. [y/n] was excited because she thought she wouldn't be able to enjoy her time while they were at the club. After dancing for a while, [y/n] went to sit down to catch her breath. "Hey you good?" The young man, which [y/n] now knew name was Taehyung, asked as he sat next to the girl.

[y/n] opened her mouth to respond but was cut off when loud gun shots could be hear throughout the club. Immediately everyone started screaming and rushing out of the building, causing chaos throughout the place. [y/n's] eyes widened as Namjoon crossed her mind. "What are you doing!? Let's go!" Taehyung, who was half standing and half crouching in case another gunshot shot, said with his hand out for [y/n] to take. "I'm sorry I can't!" The girl yelled in the midst of mass panic and screaming. With that she ran away from Taehyung, and tried to squeeze her way through the running people.

Taehyung was confused but hesitantly left anyways. After squeezing and pushing her way through the ocean of people, [y/n] finally got to the top then rushed through the door were Namjoon and the man was supposed to meet. She stopped in her tracks and gasped. "Namjoon!" [y/n] screamed in panic as she crouched down and searched his body. He was laying in a pool of blood so she had assumed he was shot. Not long after, she found the very noticeable bullet wound in his stomach then put her hands over it to stop the bleeding.

Namjoon looked barely alive with his eye lids half closed and his breathing slowed. It sounded like he was trying to say something but [y/n] told him not to speak. "Namjoon just hang in there, I'll get you some help." The female reassured as she continued to put pressure on the wound. She looked around the room for some sort of cloth, and ended up finding a piece big enough to hold Namjoon over till she could properly care for it.

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