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Y/n took a deep breath and started walking down the hall. She had to be prepared because at any moment the rest of Namjoon's mafia could show up. Y/n hugs herself and closes her eyes.

"Guess what I heard dad taking about?" Y/n's brother said as they sat on the couch watching cartoons one Saturday. "If it's about his hiding spot for his spare cash, I don't care." Y/n responded. Her brother, B/n always had something new to tell Y/n. he liked enlightening her with new information that he thought was cool, and would spy on their father because apparently he was the most interesting in the household. Honestly Y/n didn't find most of the information interesting but she would listen anyway just to make her brother happy. "No this time it's good. He was talking to uncle about some sort of trade and a underground bunker right here in Seoul." B/n said. "B/n! That's none of our business, bud out." Y/n said with a huff then turned to face the tv. "I'm pretty sure you want to hear the rest." B/n said, getting her attention again. "Later, we should finish wrapping our Christmas gifs for mom and dad." Y/n said and got up of the couch then started walking. "Ughh Christmas is in a week though!" B/n whined then walked after Y/n.

-End Of Flashback-
Y/n smiles as a tear rolled down her cheek. She opened her eyes and wiped her cheeks. Why was she remembering this random memory right now of all times. "Brain you're very helpful," she says sarcastically to herself before stoping dead in her tracks with a gasp.

"He said something about cells!? Isn't that crazy haha." B/n explains. "Shut up idiot, dad could hear us." Y/n says then crosses her arms. "Haha, sorry right. Now uncle said something and dad told him there were only two ways out. The entrance, which was from the warehouse and cell 266." B/n says really excited about what he found out. "How would a cell be the exit?" Y/n asks. "Well it wasn't really a cell, it's some sort of relaxing place? I don't know dad didn't explain. Apparently it's like a vent in there somewhere and that leads to the warehouse, and boom! that's the exit."

-End Of Flashback-
"B/n you're such a genius!" Y/n said to herself and started walking faster while looking at each cell door. She actually had some hope that she could escape and see her uncle again. "270, 269, 268, 267," Y/n got more excited as she got closer to the door then she opened it. "266!-" Once the door flew open she saw four men in the room. Two at a table playing cards and two more in each corner chilling. They all looked at her. "Heh, hi guys.." Y/n spoke. "Who the hell are you?" One man who was sitting at the table said as he stood up. The other one put a hand on his gun. "Listen, I don't want to hurt anyone." Y/n said. "Ha! You? Hurting us? Little girl get back in your place." Y/n frowned after one of the men said that, then she looked around the room. Over the table there was a vent, which she assumed was the one her brother talked about in the past. "Are you retarded? Grab her already." Another male said. The one who was previously at the table walked over to her. Y/n grinned then punched him in the stomach making him stumble back. He was big so that didn't do much. He tried grabbing her but she moved over and grab that hand and pulled it behind his back. The man with the gun aimed for Y/n's head, and missed when she put the guy's, who she had pinned, hand out to block the bullet. "Aaahhh!!" He screamed as the bullet went through his hand. Y/n dropped him to the ground while he screamed in pain and ran to the other one without a gun. She jumped onto the table then onto his back. The man without the gun tried punching Y/n to get her off the others back, but Y/n moved to the right and moved the guys head to the left, causing him to be punched in the face. She got off him and the one with the gun shot by her feet. Y/n flipped to dodge the bullet and fell on her back. She huffed as she fell. The man without the gun walked right over and and Y/n kicked him in the balls. Then got up. "Owwww!" The man cried as he fell to the floor. "Man up! in hurt too," Y/n said as she rubbed her back. The one with the gun shot again, missing slightly. She ran over to him, moved the gun out of her face, elbowed his arm, hard enough to break it, then pulled the gun from him. "Aaah!" He screamed and fell to his knees. Y/n held the gun at his head. "P-please." He begged. Y/n chuckled then stepped on his broken arm. "AAAH!!!" He yelled more. She put the gun in her pants then stepped on the table to get to the vent. She pulled and felt that it was lose. Y/n took a deep breath then yanked the vent out and threw it to the side. The door to the room opens and Y/n turns around pointing the gun at the door. Her eyes widen and she drops the gun.

||AU: Is it even possible to dodge a bullet? Eh well we're in the matrix I guess. Also we're bulletproof 😎 ya see what I did there...

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